Famicompo mini vol.9 - Cover Section -

『Kaneda's Theme from AKIRA』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Interesting samples, and there's quite a few of them too! Although, if you're going to make an NSF that focuses so heavily on samples, why not use 7-bit PCM instead of DPCM?
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
KAMINAAAAA!!! Whoops! Wrong anime!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good drums and vocals, nicely done.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]

2012/11/25 19:07:14 Unnamed man [] []

『FC9 Covers』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I've already told you I like your Zoolook.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average. I don't particularly like the DPCM of the first song, although it is not bad, and it goes with the song OK.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Whoever this is, I love you, so much. You don't even know. Zoolookologie is one of my favorite songs.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Hahahaha, nice job with my Lab tune cover (cover 3). I certainly did not expect this! The rest of the covers are sublime, and I expected no less from you. Great job!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I swear that third song in the entry sounds familiar.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目が凄く良かったですが、他のトラックが若干惜しいデキに感じました。 音長や表現に凝ってメリハリをつけるとより良い感じになると思います。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
like the zoolook cover :J
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
The first track is amazing, very interesting use of DPCM and sounds great. The other tracks pretty damn good as well!
2012/11/25 19:07:30 Unnamed man [] []

『Dragon Spirit - Glacier Land』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
Seems very fancy, somewhat a bit too much possibly, or maybe it is actually OK.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I think it's quite faithful to the original.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
異なる音源ながらも、原曲をイイ具合で再現できていると思います。 ピンポイントですが、後半の(原曲でいうところの)「ジューッ!」ってSEの改変具合がファミコンっぽさを増幅させてて個人的に高ポイントでした。

2012/11/25 19:07:54 Unnamed man [] []

『Fairy Tail Main Theme』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Come on man! Put some more effort into this cover!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ファミコンでPSG3音(矩形波50%)相当の音を出すためにこの音源構成にしたんですね。 昔のゲームっぽい雰囲気はうまく出ていると思います。 個人的には、せっかくMMC5使うなら他のチャンネルも…って思ってしまいますけど。

2012/11/25 19:08:12 Unnamed man [] []

『Zedd - Shave It Up』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I never heard of this song; however, it sounds a bit like Gangnam Style.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
イントロのグルーヴ感が良かったです。 メロディの矩形波はベタ鳴らしじゃなくて音色切り替えをうまく使って「うねり」を出すと良かったかなぁ、と思いました。

2012/11/25 19:08:27 Unnamed man [] []

『FinalFantasy IV -Cry in Sorrow-』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I also appreciate a good FFIV cover.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Pretty nice tune, accurately covered, but it's a bit bland and empty for a Famicompo entry, in my opinion, especially compared to the other stuff you usually put out. Still, the reverb effect is quite masterfully performed here. Nice work!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I will check out the original song; this cover is pretty good from what I heard.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7をうまく使っていて、原曲の雰囲気がよく出ていると思います。 素直過ぎるので、もう一ひねり欲しい気はしました。

2012/11/25 19:08:45 Unnamed man [] []

『ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ4 - Sky Fortress Zone Act 2』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
It sucks that the 2nd Episode of Sonic 4 is not on the Wii; and I don't think that it will come to the Wii U.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲はVRC6のローファイ感がよく合いますね。 そんな中、メロディを敢えてクリーン寄りの音に持ってきたのは正解だと思います。

2012/11/25 19:09:01 Unnamed man [] []

『Seiken Densetsu 3 - High Tension Wire』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I love songs from games that have a cult following.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good leads and drums.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲再現という意味では非常に良く出来ていると思います。 異なる音源にも関わらず、発音ニュアンスだけでなく音色まで非常に近いです。 これはこれで完成度が高いのですが、今後は原曲を越えるオリジナリティにも期待したいです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
sounds really good, and faithful too. love this game so much.
2012/11/25 19:09:19 Unnamed man [] []

『GTR Attack!』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Little known fact, the game was released in America first, and hit Japanese shelves a month later.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
なかなかイイ感じに再現できていると思います。 FDSの鋸波ベースもインパクトがあります。 ただ、この音源構成であれば、VRC6を使って鋸波ベース+追加矩形波で更なる厚みを出すほうが良かったかも…という気はしました。 特に、ループ直前の5発「だっ!だっ!だっ!だっ!だーっ!」に厚みが欲しかったです…そこが惜しい。

2012/11/25 19:09:35 Unnamed man [] []

『Slash (Castlevania: Dracula X)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Better version imo, though star's is really nice too
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Really nice work, I love this song.
2012/11/19 06:19:55 Unnamed man [] []
This sounds much better than Castlevania. :)
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Dracula X on the SNES should be considered a different game from Rondo of Blood on the PC Engine Super CD.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
muh fave castlevania series tune <3
2012/11/25 19:09:50 Unnamed man [] []

『Hey Ocean! - Terribly Stable (boss rush mix)』へのコメント

2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Good job with this! I like the echo about 20 seconds in. ;)
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I've heard Danooct1 call it similar to a Streets of Rage boss fight, and I think that I agree with him on that.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ピッチベンドを大胆に使ったイントロが引きが強くてインパクトがありました。 音色の使い方はもう少し研究の余地がありそうです。

2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
way superior to the original, this is some solid work. Awesome entry.
2012/11/25 19:10:08 Unnamed man [] []

『staring down the schoolkids (in my ice-cream van)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
This is Chobo-Tech, lol.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
This was a hilarious idea, I love it.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Awesome! I'm disappointed that this got relatively little attention, considering it's from two of the most notorious geniuses of the NSF format, and how much work went into it. Great job with this!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice to hear a mash-up of songs from 2 winners of the originals section of previous Famicompo mini's. The songs used in said mash-up were Fear of Dark's "Rolling Down the Street (In My Katamari)"; and Chibi-tech's "Anal Love".
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Not bad duplication of the lead.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ヴォーカル的フレーズとSEが四方八方から攻めてくる感じで面白かったです。 面白いんですけど、凝り過ぎてごちゃごちゃした印象もありました。(拙者が云うなw)

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
haha -WHAT-
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
NSF mashups? Never thought I'd see the day
2012/11/25 19:10:30 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Internet Friends』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I never heard of this song.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
DPCMのインパクトが凄いですが、それと比べると矩形波チャンネルの実力を出し切れていない感じがするのが凄く惜しいです。 鳴らし方次第で化ける気がします。

2012/11/25 19:10:46 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Ooh, Graham, I don't know about this entry...
2012/11/19 06:19:55 Unnamed man [] []
Waltzes are always good!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Hey! Whoever's playing this game! Turn down the volume on the computer, or use the correct sound device!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
時間設定の意味がよくわかりませんが…何かのネタなのかな? 作りは素直だと思います。

2012/11/25 19:11:02 Unnamed man [] []

『Hypnotoad (400 Hz)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 01:37:31 Unnamed man [] []
i am ascending to a new vibration
2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
what the hell is this covALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Y'know idk if this is really all that goo-- ALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
All glory to the Hypnotoad.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
No good.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
This is the worst entry in the history of FamiALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD 5/5
2012/11/19 06:19:55 Unnamed man [] []
I-doser is now out for the NES.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Forgive me for saying an overused quote but, "All Glory to the Hypnotoad!" By the way, this cover sounds quite accurate.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
コレもネタなんですかね… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AOfbnGkuGc 知ってれば面白いのかもしれませんが、結局よく判らず。 再現するにしても、原曲はもっと低音のうねりが効いてるので、更にそこを意識して徹底的にやったほうが良かったかもしれません。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
all glory to the 2a03
2012/11/25 19:11:15 Unnamed man [] []

『Atlus NES Songs- Megami Tensei II Style』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing, you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I really liked those tracks! They're simple and short, but they nail the Megami Tensei II style perfectly, so bonus points for that! Good job.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
If I could hack Megami Tensei II, I would insert these songs into it. That way, they feel right at home in this game.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
The feel is right, I think.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ちょっと原曲がわからなかったのですが、メガテンIIっぽい雰囲気はよく出ていると思います。 聴きながらメガテンIIの曲を思い出して思わずニヤニヤしてしまいました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
Xexyz cover is decent
2012/11/25 19:11:37 Unnamed man [] []

『Buy Some Tacos Will Ya?』へのコメント

2012/11/11 01:37:31 Unnamed man [] []
this is winner
2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
don tacos kara don tacos
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
(it's great)
2012/11/19 06:19:55 Unnamed man [] []
I would love to buy some tacos from you. ^o^
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This is a cover of a YTPMV based on a commercial for an obscure Japanese snack food called Don Tacos. Don Tacos are manufactured by Koikeya. They are tortilla chips, similar to Doritos and Tostitos. The song used is "Humoresque of a Little Dog" (AKA the Drug Store Theme) from the Mother series, the most well-known of which is Earthbound on SNES (Mother 2 in Japan).
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
こんな曲があるんですね… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAEgOCLCwTU 矩形波のグリッサンドの遊び具合が面白かったです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
many lols were had
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
impressive cover of a rather unique song
2012/11/25 19:11:51 Unnamed man [] []

『[PC Engine]Renny Blaster Stage1(live)』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I thought the "live" idea was a clever way to put a unique touch on this one.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
It's interesting to arrange game music like it was from a live show.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Nice organ tone.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106の音色の使い方が面白かったです。サイン波系と矩形波・鋸波系を使い分けることで、柔らかい雰囲気のオルガンとリードシンセのメリハリが効いてると思います。 発音時間を調整して、もう少し楽曲自体のメリハリを効かせるともっと良くなりそうな気もしました。

2012/11/25 19:12:08 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Big orchestral tune, lol.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I really really liked this entry. Those timpani samples sound really sharp and clear, and the tune is solid throughout, using arps just when needed, and in just the right way. The volume balance is just right - everything about this cover is pretty much perfect! Amazing job!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice use of VRC6! Sounds like an orchestra!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good timpani
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
イイ感じにVRC6に落とし込んでいると思います。 発音時間調整もイイ感じです。 メインの音色はもう少しいじっても良かった気もしますが、ストレートな音色もこの曲には合っていると思います。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
don't recognise it but this is great.
2012/11/25 19:12:30 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []


2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/19 06:19:55 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Is this song from Soul Blazer?
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
渋い選曲だなぁ…バックで鳴ってるSEっぽい音とずっと同じリズムで刻み続けるキックの対比が面白いです…と思ったら、終盤の展開でヤラれた。 終盤の発狂感がイイです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/25 19:12:56 Unnamed man [] []

『Rockman 7 - Walk The Invisible』へのコメント

2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I actually almost did this song for this Famicompo actually, haha.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
It's Wily Stage 3!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
内蔵音源に丁寧にまとめてあると思います。 聴きやすくて良いです。 メロディ等に、更にダイナミックに表情を付けるとより良い感じになるかもしれません。

2012/11/25 19:13:13 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
Excellent voice leading!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
(In Russian accent): Let's sing the Internationale, comrades!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
音源が多数使われていますが、和音としての重ねがメインのため、発音数の割には物足りなさを感じました。 各音源の特性を生かしたサウンドやアレンジに凝ると更に良くなる気がします。

2012/11/25 19:13:37 Unnamed man [] []

『哭牙より「萌芽 (Theme 2)」』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
why 5 times? why?!
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
They are all very similar, isn't it?
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
この作品は何がしたいのか意味不明w 5つの中ではトラック1が一番いい。
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
5 versions of this is too many. :/ If only the full version had been entered, I would've given it a higher score - entering all five only suggests that you were uncertain that you'd done a good enough job with the full version. Just because you're allowed to enter up to 5 cover doesn't mean you -should-.

Either way, the full version sounds pretty nice.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Is this a cover of a 3DS game?
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
同曲を音源アサインを変えて複数聴かせるというのは面白い試みだと思います。 特に、DPCMでディストーションギターを聴かせるトラックがインパクト大でした。 ただ、実験的には面白いものの、厚みという点ではどのトラックも惜しい感じがします。(特にメロディ。FDS/矩形波でも音色が微妙に違う程度=FDSを使う利点が薄いように思えました) 徹底的に調整して、そのチャンネルアサイン独特の表現や、欠点を補う表現を更に研究してみると良いかと思います。

2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
first track is definitely the best, but it was cool seeing the less-expansion alternatives as well.

『900 Degrees』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice tune. Very good intro. I wish the texture got a little thicker with VRC7+N163.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Pretty good! I liked the beginning of this track, but then it got a bit too repetitive to my liking. But the sound design is rather good I think, so props for that.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice, yet repetitive.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good organ tones.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲も聴きましたが、ほぼ原曲イメージどおりに仕上がっていると思います。 N106の波形モーフィングがなかなかイイ味出してると思います。 聴きやすいですが、更にアレンジしたものも聴いてみたい気はしました。

2012/11/25 19:17:21 Unnamed man [] []

『a lovely song from 2011』へのコメント

2012/11/11 04:48:07 icesoldier [psyshock73@gmail.com] [Website]
Oh god, the first cover I recognized! Sad expansion wasn't used for bigger bass. And the redone vox was worth it. But no Fun Dip line! I am disappoint.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I don't know this song. Is the woman in this song singing about Barbie? Because that's what it sounds like to me.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
矩形波duty比切り替えによる細かい音色ニュアンスの変化が非常に良いです。 ダイナミックな音量変化も聞かせどころが明確で上手いと感じました。

2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
smash hit of the famicompo
2012/11/25 19:17:38 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I don't know what this is a cover of.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/25 19:18:00 Unnamed man [] []

『MediEvil - The Crystal Caves』へのコメント

2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Wow! Simply amazing. The sound design in this is great. The choir just blew my mind! This is another cover that I don't think got the attention or recognition it deserved. Great work!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great Atmosphere!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106を柔らかめの波形にすることで、優しい独特の雰囲気をうまく再現できていると思います。 もう少しディレイを効かせると、より広がりが出て良い気がしました。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Dissapointed the choir wasn't attempted in wavetable.
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
sweet cover of a quality game
2012/11/25 19:18:15 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
What is this song from?
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲をClassical縛りでやろうという時点でかなり凄いと思うのですが、そのせいか、序盤の和音で若干の違和感を感じてしまった点が大変惜しいです。(何度も聴いてると慣れてくるんですけど) 全体的には、うまくClassical縛りに落とし込んでいると思います。

2012/11/25 19:18:29 Unnamed man [] []

『Pyrotec Medley』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Great sound design!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great Beat!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106音色の使い方が上手いですね。 時間変化していく音色のみならず、多彩な音色で色々な表情を垣間見ることができました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
nice sound design work
2012/11/25 19:18:45 Unnamed man [] []

『Pictures of a City』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
This was very hard to make, transcription by ear is a bitch! I thank everyone who said they liked it, and I hope all the rest of you guys liked it as well!
2012/11/11 04:48:07 icesoldier [psyshock73@gmail.com] [Website]
The issue I have with covering prog rock into Famicom is that you really have to adapt to a different set of conventions of "intersting". It didn't quite make it, I'm afraid.
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Weird and cool! Good job getting all of it in. Vocals are a little strange, ha ha. This is my favourite of FCM9.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
The percussion in this is absolutely incredible. Great work.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This is quite a long song!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Nice tempos at the intro, drums great throughout.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
とにかくリズム隊が心地よいです。音量の緩急や フィルイン表現、細かいニュアンス(たまに発音タイミングをずらしてる?)は聴いてて「おー!」と感心しました。

2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
amusing how the first time I hear a king crimson song is off a NES... Neat cover.
2012/11/25 19:19:21 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『The Big Crunch』へのコメント

2012/11/11 01:37:31 Unnamed man [] []
kudos for fds fm
2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/11 04:48:07 icesoldier [psyshock73@gmail.com] [Website]
Some transcription errors, but overall a good cover of a good song.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great FDS Modulation!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
チャンネル数はさほど多くないにも関わらず、イントロやギターの音の厚みに驚かされました。 メロディのピッチベンド等の表現も上手いと思います。 個人的には、もう1個拡張音源を使って、メロディ(ギターソロ?)の厚みを増したバージョンも聴いてみたいです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
dat prog
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
no idea where this is from but it sure sounds awesome, can't wait to see full song details. Great use of the 2a03.
2012/11/25 19:19:41 Unnamed man [] []

『Pokemon Trainer Battle Remix』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
A good remix.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
This is a neat remix, I like what you did with the song!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great Remix!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Not bad.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ベースラインで三角波低音域を鳴らすことによって出る独特の音がイイ味出してます。 楽曲自体は若干おとなしめに感じるので、もう少しアグレッシブなアレンジにしても良いかな、という気はしました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
interesting take on the song
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
a bit slow, but still a neat ver
2012/11/25 19:19:55 Unnamed man [] []

『U.N. 3rd Fami-composition(Don't use VNES! Tune2:2A03)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 09:40:28 Goal [] []
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. Since they are the same song, I use the largest of my individual votes. (In this case the individual votes are equal anyways)
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Verbose title! The first cover is okay, but not extraordinary; certainly could use a little bit of polish, especially in terms of mixing (the VRC7 is kind of loud and drowns out the 2A03). The 2A03 isn't memorable, but not bad either.
2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
This song always had a strange charm ever since I saw the version with Ronald McDonald.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I first known about Touhou from McRoll'd, which used this very song.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
個人的に、Track1はVRC7の音の軽さが悪いほうに出てしまった気がして非常に惜しいです。 そういう意味では、Track2のほうが作りが素直な気はしました。

2012/11/25 19:20:13 Unnamed man [] []

『Cybernoid II (Jeroen Tel)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Great Work, C64 <3
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Sounds totally C64, good work!
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
That's some pretty good faux-C64!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I have yet to listen to the original, but this cover sounds good!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Interesting song choice.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
高速アルペジオが凄いなぁ…と思ったら、原曲が元々こういう感じなんですね。 原曲再現という観点では良く出来ていると思います。 リズム隊などに更なるアレンジが入ると、もっと良くなるかも、と思いました。

2012/11/25 19:20:29 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
The second song sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. The fourth song is the only song I recognize. It's the Ghost Woman's theme from the Legend of the Mystical Ninja on the SNES.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Fifth is best, these need more bass.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
沢山音は鳴ってるはずなのに、全体的に低音が足りない感があります。(Track3除く) 好みの違いかもしれませんけど、ベースラインをもう少し低いオクターブに持ってくるのと、未使用のDPCMもしくは三角波を使ってキックを入れることで、低音がしっかりして安定感が出る気がしました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
mystical ninja yeah!
2012/11/25 19:20:43 Unnamed man [] []

『Giant Steps』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
Simply brilliant.
2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
ii-V-I forever!!! !!! !!! Lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization forever!!! !!! !!!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This is a repetitive song!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Difficult song choice.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
Classicalな環境で原曲をイイ感じに再現できていると思います。 メロディのサックスのフレーズは、音量変化をつけてもっと大胆にしても良いかなぁ、という気もしました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
giant steps can never have enough NES covers
2012/11/25 19:21:10 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Matt Bianco: Lost Souls』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
This is some groovy stuff.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I love jazz infused with Latin.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
コレはカッコイイです。 N106をうまく使ってイイ感じに厚みが出ていると思います。 メロディの歯切れの良さなどでメリハリがついているのも高ポイントです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
really wasn't expecting to find Matt Bianco in famicompo. kudos, whoever you are!
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
so much n163 this year... great cover though!
2012/11/25 19:21:24 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『DON'T TARRY (orig; Keishi Yonao, Neural Gear)』へのコメント

2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
This is also some groovy stuff.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I listened to the original, and I got to say that you did an accurate job covering it.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106を生かしたベースラインと和音の厚みが魅力的です。 ただ、メロディの線が若干細いのと、スネアドラムが弱いのが若干気になりました。

2012/11/25 19:21:43 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Fix your NSF!!
I believe you owe rainwarrior one or two for doing just that for you. ;)

In all seriousness, this is easily one of my favourites from the entire competition. There's something about the chords in this that really appeals to me. The sound design in this is marvelous; I really like the series of waveform that form the bass sound, and the strings are very neatly rendered (even though they sound nothing like actual strings, they function the same here and fill in the role perfectly). The bells are very successfully translated into N163 format as well! Overall this is a superb rendition of the original, and the few, very slight transcription inaccuracies (and there really are only a few) are easily forgiven. Great job!
2012/11/19 06:32:44 Unnamed man [] []
This is some groovy stuff x3
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This is from Magic Knight Rayearth, the last game released for the Sega Saturn in the US. By the way, play the fixed NSF. This version sounds horrible if played on NSFplay 2.2.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good bell tones.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
環境依存なのが惜しいですが、VirtuaNSFで正しく再生されました。 これはN106音色が凝ってますね…もしかして、音色はN106の1波長分ではなく、PCMを流し込んでる…? どちらにしろ、よく出来た作品だとは思います。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
I think the strings could've been done much better. As someone who loves to rip through wavetables, not much if any patch sweeping is needed for a solid string group. Pretty neat song!
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
Magic Knight Rayearth has really good music
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
2012/11/25 19:21:57 Unnamed man [] []

『Firth of Fifth』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Who composed this song?
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Many thanks and best wishes always. どうもありがとうございますいつまでもBEST WISHES.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]

2012/11/25 19:22:16 Unnamed man [] []

『Kouchou Kouchou』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
( ^^)//
\(^^ )
\( ^^ )/
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Good full sound for 2A03.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Assorted Latin rhythms, anybody?
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
リズム隊が特に面白いと感じました。 イントロの大袈裟なタムのコミカル感と、本編に入ってからのClassicalとは思えないしっかりしたキックが良いです。 また、過剰な高速アルペジオも、この曲にはよく合っていると思いました。

2012/11/25 19:22:39 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Whigfield - Saturday Night』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great cover!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
how could you do this you monster
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
meanstream junk? IN MY FAMICOMPO?! ...pretty accurate cover though.
2012/11/25 19:23:00 Unnamed man [] []

『FCM9 Covers』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
First tune is sad tune :C
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
These all sound really cool!
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Fantastic set of covers! There are so many things I like in these, and so few that I don't like... The choir waveform in the first cover really stands out for me - very nicely done! The second one nails the Genesis/Megadrive sound pretty much perfectly for me; the keyboard instrument and that one instrument about 50 second in sound particularly YM2161-esque! The third cover is the weakest link as far as I'm concerned, but even that one is pretty good in its own right. I suppose the tune itself just doesn't appeal to me as much as the other two. Overall, superb sound design in this!
2012/11/19 06:43:07 Unnamed man [] []
OH BOY! The first two are great! (The third is pretty mediocre though. :/ ) I like dat clavinet.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
The first one, I recognize! It's the intro song from Devilish on the Sega Genesis!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106音色の作り方が上手いです。 特にTrack1のコーラスの音色が素晴らしいと思います。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
first song is really pretty, i am ashamed to say i do not know or remember what it is. the other two are great as well.
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
This is my second favourite entry this year. I had no idea the N163 could sound this good and diverse, and the mastering is skillfully brilliant as well. I can't wait to listem to your other songs.
2012/11/25 19:23:37 Unnamed man [] []
トラック1 切ない感じのイントロから神秘的な展開になる、いい曲だと思う
トラック2 タイトなキックがダンサブルでいい。これもサウンドがよい
トラック3 リズムが気持よく鳴ってる

『To Far Away Times』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
Hello FoD!
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Ending section is very nice.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Aaaah I love Chrono Trigger so much! This is the best!
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm guessing this is Fearofdark's cover. If this is true, awesome job!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
全く異なる音源でありながら、良く出来ていると思います。  むしろ、このアレンジの矩形波ピアノのほうが原曲よりも好きかも。 後半に入るところのダイナミックな展開も非常に良いと思います。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
nice job.
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
This is by far the best version of this song ever, not to mention best entry this year. Everything about this entry is just sublime; the stunning crescendo (or whatever) at 1:30 in particular took me by surprise. Truly amazing work!
2012/11/25 19:24:01 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Return to the Basilisk Minefield』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Took a while to get going.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I thought this was pretty clever, and the remix sounds pretty good.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice playing the original theme, then playing the cover in VRC6!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
最初は原曲と同じと思わせておいて、途中から「プラスミックス」って展開が面白かったです。 個人的には、ただVRC6を重ねるだけではなく、原曲相当のデータ部分も大胆にいじったほうが意外性が増して良かった気がします。

2012/11/25 19:24:18 Unnamed man [] []

『Diving, Axelay (For Sega Genesis), Turrican Strikes Again』へのコメント

2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Great as always, especially Diving (the original is a fantastic song as well)
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average. (Note that just because I don't like multisong, will not affect my rating of individual songs in the same file; I still vote of if this song good or not, individually, and calculate the average. Same with other entries; but I only want to write this explanation once.)
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I think you already know how I feel about this cover set. ;)

Diving is sublime. The original is a masterpiece in its own right, and your cover definitely does it justice. I admire the patience and care you evidently put into the making of this cover. The DMC samples are remarkably clear and sharp as well! My only gripe with it - and it's a minor one - is that I feel that the whole section from 1m00s to 1m40s is begging for dynamics. I can't help but feel there should be a sort of climax at 1m20s when the whole tension created by the first half of that passage finally resolves; and again at 1m30s when the second tension resolve on the F# chord. But I realise I'm getting technical here, so I'll break off and just say that I really really like this cover, and that I think you did a fantastic job with it. :)

Axelay: Once again, this is a great cover of yours, and I'm glad you decided to enter it.

Turrican: Good cover as well! I fear it's not on par with the other two, but it's a nice addition to them and it isn't detrimental to the overall quality of your entry pack in any way. :)

Excellent job with this, definitely a 5/5 as far as I'm concerned.
2012/11/19 06:43:07 Unnamed man [] []
This entry is really lacking DPCM bass, sawtooth arps and a triangle lead. :(
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
What's the song "Diving" from and who composed it?
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目のバックで鳴っている控えめな高速アルペジオが幻想的で良いです。 全体的に、優しく丁寧に仕上げていると思います。

2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
Oh hey, it's author!
2012/11/25 19:24:41 Unnamed man [] []
トラック1 コード進行かっこいい
トラック2 渋くてかっこいい
トラック3 スネアが派手で面白い

『FINAL FANTASY IV - 最後の闘い』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
So good of you to capture the very sound style of Final Fantasy III!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
もしファミコンでIVが出ていたらこんな曲かなぁ、という感じです。 シンプルに仕上げてますが、トレモロとかも駆使するとよりソレっぽくなる気もしました。

2012/11/25 19:24:56 Unnamed man [] []

『From DS Castlevanias』へのコメント

2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Lob is gay

I told you that section in SubHell didn't sound bad at all
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Well orchestrated.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I haven't played much of the Castlevania series but these sound really really good!!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm considering playing one of the Castlevania games for DS.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
なかなかイイ感じに仕上がっていると思います。 VRC6で高速トーン切り替えを使った和音が思いのほか存在感があります。 また、ベル系音色でユニゾンで重ねて音色バリエーションを持たせているところも良いですね。

2012/11/25 19:25:11 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []


2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average. Second song seems to have some strange noises but is good anyways.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This would've gotten a higher score from me if you'd bothered checking your NSF for potential errors before submitting... It appears your FTM calls a wave that doesn't exist in the second cover; in Famitracker, the nonexistent wave is simply ignored and the last one is played instead, but once you export, the NSF tries to read a wave where there isn't one, and garbage is played instead. Which is a shame, because if it hadn't been for this technical issue, your cover would've been pretty nice.

So yeah... Fix your stuff in the future before submitting it. ;)
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great cover of Super Metroid; however, the instrument(s) of the Wind Waker cover fall flat.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
DPCMのティンパニとN106音色の相乗効果で、ファミコンとは思えない重厚な音にちょっと驚きました。 ただ、トラック2の音色で(意図的なのか相性なのかわかりませんが)出だしの音が化けるのが非常に惜しいです…

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Arrange and mixing on track one could use work.
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
that scratching sound :(
2012/11/25 19:25:27 Unnamed man [] []

『Gnarls Barkley - Crazy, Eschatos - Point of No Return (V2, Finished)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
Hi Phazon!
2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Wait I shouldn't say anything about my own entry lol
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Craaaaaazy! Good job with the vocals.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
This is one of my favorite entries, I love Crazy.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
It's nice of the composer to finish last year's cover.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good arrangement!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目のVRC6音色dutyの切り替え方が秀逸です。 メロディが唄ってる感じがしました。 ただ、2曲目のバックで鳴ってる音(2A03のCh2)はちょっとクドく感じました。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Would've just left it with the first track.
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
love eschatos
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
This was a pleasant surprise, never thought I'd get to hear gnarls barkley off the VRC6.
2012/11/25 19:25:44 Unnamed man [] []

『I'll be there for you』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Surprisingly good
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I was there. Where were you?
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
This keeps getting stuck in my head, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. Really neat interpretation of the original, regardless.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Nice cover! Good use of the VRC6 too.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
My parents are Friends fans.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6を使っている割に軽快な音を出しているのが新鮮でした。 イントロのギターの「キュイーン」ってニュアンスが凄く良いです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
oh you
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
still waiting for season 11
2012/11/25 19:25:59 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Plok!: Creepy Crag』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
Hi JP! Awesome cover btw.
2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Good as always, page!
2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Again u with ur Plok! :C
U will win this compo again :C
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
The attention to detail is amazing!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲自体が凄いのですが、これを全く音源が異なるVRC6で華麗に演奏させているところが素晴らしいです。 非常によく出来ていると思います。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/25 19:26:13 Unnamed man [] []

『JUMP MAN STAGE 1 』へのコメント

2012/11/11 00:33:12 linglin [lingjie60@yahoo.com.cn] []
Megaman style's SMB1 Overworld BGM,it's very good but it's too short.
2012/11/11 01:37:31 Unnamed man [] []
respect the cheng
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []

2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
What you did there. I see it.
2012/11/19 14:01:32 Unnamed man [] []
In an alternate world, Miyamoto works for Capcom... & Kondo, too.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm sure you tried. All you need to do to make your song better is to tighten up the instruments.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
I see what you did there
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
トラディッショナルなファミコンの音ですね。 エコー効果が大胆でイイ味出してると思います。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
hahaha, well played
2012/11/25 19:26:29 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]



2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
How rude.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
Is this software mixing PCM?
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I totally knew somebody was going to do something like this eventually.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
1/5 did not laugh. Try harder next time. ;[
2012/11/19 06:43:07 Unnamed man [] []
Very faithful to the original!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
If Chester A. Bum was listening to this song, he would say this, "Oh my God! This is the greatest song I've ever heard in my life!"
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
wearing a tattoo on your forehead that reads #mod_shrine
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
I wonder how many actual sandstorm covers we'll have next FCM thanks to this entry
2012/11/25 19:26:48 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Stinkoman K/20X6』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Homestar Runner is the first web cartoon I've ever seen. The SBMail, "Japanese Cartoon" is the first episode of this series I've seen. These covers bring back H*R memories. Someday, the Brothers Chaps will finally update this site for the first time in years.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ファミコンゲームのBGM風味という観点では恐らく狙い通りなんじゃないでしょうか。 1曲目はやたら喋りますが…(^^;) あと、FDSにチェック入ってますが、実際は未使用でしょうか…

2012/11/25 19:27:08 Unnamed man [] []

『Keroro RPG: Final Boss』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Armpit Platoon! Combine your strengths to defeat the Final Boss!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲からしてアツい曲ですが、VRC6を使うことで悪魔城伝説のラスボスっぽい匂いが立ち込めてます…この音源には合いますね。 割と素直な作りだと思うのですが、もう少し音色変化やメリハリに凝ってみると更にアツくなると思います。

2012/11/25 19:27:23 Unnamed man [] []

『Mahou Poi Poi Poitto! (track 12)』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This song is from an SNES puzzle game from Takara. The name of the game is Mahou Poi Poi Poitto.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
I don't think your DPCM channel did as much as it could have if it was just playing drums.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
この音源構成ではあり得ない音がすると思ったら、DPCMでオケヒ鳴らしてるんですね。 元々アツい曲なので、それがイイ方向に作用していると思います。 尺自体が短いので、アレンジして更なるギミックを入れてみると良いかもしれません。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
ahh I know this game/soundtrack. unusual choice for a cover. well done though.
2012/11/25 19:27:42 Unnamed man [] []

『Contra(GB) ED Theme』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm partial to the VRC6 cover on Nico Nico Douga, but this cover's fine too.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
敢えてDPCMを使わないことで、質感がゲームボーイに酷似しているところが面白いです。 ただ、VRC6の使い込みという点では、矩形波をもっと有効活用すれば原曲を超えるものが作れたのでは、と感じます。

2012/11/25 19:27:58 Unnamed man [] []

『Fallen Angel』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Totally flipping out over this one, it's super well done, love whoever did this!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Interesting voice simulation.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Nice arrangement.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106の矩形波寄りのピアノ音色がイイですね。 音色を高速で切り替えて、N106で微妙にヴォーカルっぽい声を出しているのもポイント高いです。 ただ、(意図的なものかもしれませんが)途中でブツッと切れてしまうのは惜しかったです。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
I adore the bendy patch from :11 to :19. The extra samples with a fds patch are sorely needed with the vocal effect. Perhaps if there was a way to effectively get more than 32 on a waveform.
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
interesting sounds
2012/11/25 19:28:16 Unnamed man [] []

『星のカービィWii - スカイタワー (Kirby's Return to Dreamland 5-2)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Very nice.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
これは本当に「星のカービィ 夢の泉の物語」の音楽のように聞こえる。すごい!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
You captured the Kirby's Adventure style so well, that if one inserts this song into the game, it would fit in with the rest of the game.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Authentic sound.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
2A03にうまく落とし込んでいると思います。 作り方も丁寧で、メリハリも効いていると思います。 あとは個人的好みなんですが、メロディをブツッと切ってしまうのではなく、薄ーく残響音を残したほうが良いかなぁ、とは思いました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
this needed to made, really. amazing job. thanks.
2012/11/25 19:28:43 Unnamed man [] []

『Salamander 2: Silvery Wings Again』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
Hi again JP!
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/19 06:51:57 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Awesome cover!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
イントロ聴いてちょっと驚いてしまいました。 N106+VRC7というチャンネル構成で、ある意味オリジナルよりも豪華です。 個人的には、N106のディストーションギター音色が好みでした。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
This is pretty cool! To the author who keeps covering Gradius music: nice improvements over the years! Be careful of N163 hardware hiss!
2012/11/25 19:28:56 Unnamed man [] []

『Electric Counterpoint III - Fast』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:42:08 YS_fragile [] []
NSFでSteve Reichをやろうと思った事と、この再現度は素晴らしい。
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Steve Reich! Cool choice.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/19 14:01:32 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This song drags on... (-_-)zzz
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Interesting song choice.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
演奏情報を開いたとき「チャンネル多っ!」って思いましたが、Sunsoft5B/VRC7は正直無くても成立する(VRC7のベースラインはDPCM or 三角波+N106の空きに割り当てる必要はありそう)ので、そこまで拡張音源を使う必要があるのか疑問です。 しかし、多チャンネルに展開された楽曲は、聴きなれたファミコンのスペックを凌駕していて聴き応えがありました。

2012/11/25 19:30:00 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Sonic Boom』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Trouble keeps you running faster. Save the planet from disaster. Spinning through a world in motion. Take it all the way!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
全体的に低い音階とduty比のキツイ矩形波で低音重視なのが面白いと感じました。 チャレンジとしては面白いと思いますが、音源スペックを考えると、メロディはもう少し高音に寄せても良かったかな、とも思いました。

2012/11/25 19:30:13 Unnamed man [] []

『Drill Dozer - Top Gear GO-GO-GO!』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Drill Dozer was and still is one of my favorite games! <3<3<3
2012/11/19 06:51:57 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm partial to the MMC5 cover on MCK2CH, but this cover is good too.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
こういう音が細かく動く曲にはこの音色が合いますね。 メリハリもついていて聴いてると自然とテンションが上がります。 強いていえばリズム隊が若干埋もれがちに聴こえるので、もう少しノイズ強め(&ホワイトノイズ寄り)のほうが良かったかもしれません。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
go-go-go ichinose
2012/11/25 19:30:26 Unnamed man [] []

『Love is in the air (Yoshis Story)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
This is a really wonderful use of VRC7, and one of the best song choices in the entire competition. Definitely one of my favorite entries.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This is very nice! Awesome VRC7 usage. I really like the sound design, especially that custom instrument at the beginning. Excellent work!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Great VRC7 usage! It does the original version justice.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲は特にVRC7の使い方が上手いですね。 VRC7でしか出せない音色が大変効果的に使われていると感じました。 また、密かに三角波の使い方もポイントが高いです。 アタックだけ一瞬高い音階を鳴らすことによって、発音を印象的にしています。 全体的に控えめな音量にして、聴かせたいポイントだけ音量を上げるところも見事です。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Lovely blending!
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/25 19:30:43 Unnamed man [] []

『Slash (Castlevania: Dracula X)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
The lesser of the two imo, but only because of the dpcm abuse (though the dpcm sounded VERY crisp, I'm just not a fan of using it extensively like that)
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I can't decide if I like this arrangement or the other arrangement more, I like both of them kind of a lot.
2012/11/19 06:51:57 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I love the DPCM samples ripped straight from the game!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Drums and samples sound really nice in this.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
FDSと三角波による低音ベースラインが大変印象的でした。 若干DPCMの比重が高い気はしますが、他のパートも基本は抑えており、全体バランスとしてはよくまとまっていると思います。

2012/11/25 19:31:00 Unnamed man [] []

『Witching Dream / Theme of Eastern Story (テーマ・オブ・イースタンストーリー)』へのコメント

2012/11/11 00:33:12 linglin [lingjie60@yahoo.com.cn] []
I have a Witch Dream NSF made by other people,that NSF sounds almost the same as the original PC98 ver.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Famicompo wouldn't be complete without at least one Touhou cover.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
全体的に鳴らし方がベタな印象がありました。 音色(duty)切り替えや残響音(1chディレイ・エコー)挿入などを効果的に使うと更に良くなると思います。

2012/11/25 19:31:15 Unnamed man [] []

『智代アフター -Light Colors-』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Obvious Robokabuto is obvious. Good job with this! It's good to see multi-expansion NSFs done right from time to time (if this competition proves anything it's that it's easy to screw it up). My favourite thing in this entire cover is the fake filter effect on the VRC7 instrument. Overall, great job!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Robokabuto (at least I'm assuming it's Robokabuto) is the best!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Difficult arrangement, not bad.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
シンセのフィルタ的表現は、最近流行りのN106ではなくてVRC7なんですね。 音色切り替えではないみたいですが…まさかレジスタ直叩き…? 全体的には良く出来ていると思うのですが、低音(ローファイ)部分で音がダマになっている印象があるので、もう少し高音のキレがあると良いかな、と感じました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
amazing sounds
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
This superb mixing, who could have made this...(笑) Thank you for the stream robokabuto, see you next year (*^▽^)/
2012/11/25 19:32:40 Unnamed man [] []

『HellSinker. Prayer Theme』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average. I think it has a bit of strange noise?
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This is the longest entry in Famicompo mini vol. 9!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ちょっと低音が弱く感じます。(特に1曲目) キックの支えとベースラインの動きが欲しかったなぁ…  メロディの響きは良いと思います。

2012/11/25 19:32:56 Unnamed man [] []

『Cheater Man』へのコメント

2012/11/11 01:37:31 Unnamed man [] []
kommisar irl
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
Original melody is OK, this cover does improve it surely. Not quite perfectly but it is improved nevertheless.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Similar idea to Return to the Basilisk Minefield, I thought this was executed well too.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This is a fine demonstration of the Cheetahmen theme's true potential. Too many people dismiss the Action 52 soundtrack for being a shitty one (and honestly, for the most part it is complete rubbish), but as this cover quite plainly demonstrates, the Cheetahmen theme is one of the few decent tracks in there!

Anyway, I have nothing in particular to complain about. Excellent job on this!
2012/11/19 06:51:57 Unnamed man [] []
Cheetahmen is always good.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This cover just shouts Heosphoros. If Heosphoros did cover this, awesome job!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
低音重視の調整と和音のニュアンス(発音自体にクレッシェンドがかかっている)が面白いと思います。 メロディも一見シンプルですが、ピッチベンドや残響音が凝っていて良いです。

2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
somebody needs to hack this version into the original game, like holy shit this is good
2012/11/25 19:33:12 Unnamed man [] []

『Vampire Killer』へのコメント

2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
I like all the added sound effects and stuff in this! Really cool interpretation.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Pretty good.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Your additions are interesting.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
基本はシンプルですが、ベンドや高速アルペジオのかかったバッキングが面白いと思います。 ベースラインはもう少し大きくして低音を支えたほうが良かったかもしれません。

2012/11/25 19:33:28 Unnamed man [] []

『Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I hate you.
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Did your NSF screw up on export?
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
These first few seconds are the beginning of a decent cover. Unfortunately, the song loops these few seconds ad nauseum.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
非常に丁寧なメロディとバッキングの高速アルペジオの対比が面白いです。 ただ、この演奏時間は…??

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
It's a shame because I like the original and would've liked this.
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
i was looking forward to this but... it's corrupt? :( too bad i like this song.
2012/11/25 19:33:45 Unnamed man [] []

『SPLATTER HOUSE - Ending』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
So sad :C
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Very nice. Huge relief after 6 minutes of 5 seconds of Sixpence None the Richer.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Fantastic arrangement, this is just really gosh darn cool.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
What a somber ending to go with a gory game.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good organ tone.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
これはもう原曲そのまんまですね。 密かに残響音なんかもサントラCDと同様に丁寧に仕上げてあるのは高ポイントです。

2012/11/25 19:33:59 Unnamed man [] []


2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/17 00:24:23 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Whoa, whoa, calm down!!

This is pretty chaotic, to say the least - but in a good way. I like the sound design, though I think the whole thing could be a bit quieter.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This is a fast-paced song filled with adrenaline. However, it needs to slow down and breathe for a moment.
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
fierce jammin
2012/11/25 19:34:14 Unnamed man [] []

『Gotye / Somebody That I Used To Know』へのコメント

2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/19 06:51:57 Unnamed man [] []
Twinkle twinkle little star!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
The guitar sample works well.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲どおりの控えめなインストがイイ感じに再現されていると思います。 ノイズを混ぜることで独特の空間が表現されている点も高ポイントです。 メロディ(ヴォーカル)も表現は丁寧なんですが、もう少しダイナミックにしても良かったかなぁ、という気はしました。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
I wish the noise channel interacted more with the dpcm loop. Build off the limitation of the dpcm artifacts.
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
2012/11/25 19:34:30 Unnamed man [] []

『Lasers in my Pockets』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲よりもこちらのほうが矩形波成分が強くて個人的には好きです。 ただ、三角波のみでベースラインが弱い気がしたので、矩形波を1音ベースラインに振るか、VRC6あたりの鋸波をベースに割り当てると更にインパクトが増すと思います。

2012/11/25 19:34:42 Unnamed man [] []

『Beyond the Beginning -Re:Generation-』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I don't know this song.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
Classical環境なせいもあるんでしょうが、原曲と比べるとどうしても音が薄い印象があります。 一部を除いて矩形波が1音しか鳴っていないのも要因の1つだと思います。(特に音が一斉に抜ける箇所が寂しい) まずは余ったチャンネルを有効活用してみるところから研究してみると良いと思います。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Very happy to see something that isn't To Make The End Of Battle. Would like to see it expanded.
2012/11/25 19:34:58 Unnamed man [] []

『High School Lullaby』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
The voice synthesis is much better than using all saw waves. It's more similar to Famiku, or FDS voice synthesis.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Nice arrangement.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
おー、N106が唄ってる! 流石に歌詞を知らないと聴き取るのは厳しいですが、ボコーダーボイスっぽい感じがしてこれはこれで面白いと思います。 試みは面白いんですが、ヴォーカルにもう少しメリハリが欲しいなぁ…というのと、「なー!」はもっと音程高いですw それと、高音シーケンスのキラキラ感が薄いところが非常に惜しいです。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
dat voice
2012/11/25 19:35:12 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []

『Chemical Plant Zone』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Another sonic tune, it's boring, but this one sounds great.
2012/11/19 06:43:07 Unnamed man [] []
mad rods
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I respect Danooct1's opinion that he is partial to his own cover, to which I agree with him.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Nice kick drum.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲の疾走感を異なる音源でかなり再現できていると思います。 ただ、オリジナルが相当メリハリのある曲なので、更に大胆にメリハリをつけると良い気がしました。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
I feel bad because the rendition a compo or two back had a bit more character to it.
2012/11/25 19:35:24 Unnamed man [] []

『MELTY BLOOD - The end of 1000 years』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Melty Blood lol.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I've heard of Melty Blood, but I never listened to this song before.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106のピアノとメロディの音色はイイ感じだと思いますが、原曲と比べるとディストーションギターの再現性はどうしても弱いのは致し方ないところですかね… ギター音色は、多少ノイジーになってでも、もう少し歪ませたほうが良かったかもしれません。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Keep working on instruments. Patches feel pretty samey.
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
I need to play this game soon. Cool cover!
2012/11/25 19:35:56 Unnamed man [] []
DPCMギターのPick scrapeの音も引き締まるアクセントになってる

『Septentrion -The Sinking ship-』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Orchestral one.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Nice use of the N163! I like this cover quite a bit.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Is this song from a video game? If so, I can't find any information about it.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
元が重厚なオケ物なので、N106を4chだとこんな感じですかね…低音が割と重厚な音が鳴っているのですが、他が若干軽い気もしました。 この曲の場合はVRC7あたりも併用して重厚さ重視でいくと良かったかもしれません。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
cool tune
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
This sounds p awesome
2012/11/25 19:36:14 Unnamed man [] []

『The 8th Struggle』へのコメント

2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Sounds a bit like Final Fantasy.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
楽曲の展開は緊迫感があるのですが、アレンジ少し平坦になってしまっている気がしました。 音量変化などを更にダイナミックにすると良くなる気がします。

2012/11/25 19:36:29 Unnamed man [] []

『C64 Ghouls&Ghosts』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Very good. 5/5
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Same as the other C64 cover, sounds just like actual C64 music! The fact that you pulled this off with just 2A03 is also really impressive.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I want to listen to the original to compare the two and see if this cover is faithful.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
2A03なのに凄く凝ってますね…DPCMの使い方が非常に上手くて、原曲よりも重厚さが増しています。(マスクしてみたらDPCMでも三角波を鳴らしてました…この発想は無かった) DPCM以外の使い方も細かい音色変化などで非常に繊細に作られていると思います。 ただ、全体的に物凄く音程が低い気がするのは意図的なのか、あるいは環境のせいでしょうか…

2012/11/25 19:36:47 Unnamed man [] []

『Panic Station』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I think this voting range 0 to 5 is not good enough maybe it should be 0 to 9 or 0 to 10, or maybe even -4 to +10 (this comment doesn't have anything specific to do with this song; I just wanted to write this comment).
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Rock on!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲の重厚さとヴォーカルのニュアンスがイイ感じで再現できていると思います。 VRC6のch1など、概ね空いているパートもあるので、休ませずにエコーやバッキングにアサインすると更に良くなる気もします。 

2012/11/25 19:37:02 Unnamed man [] []

『American Money』へのコメント

2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Good fun.
2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Haha this is awesome
2012/11/19 06:57:37 Unnamed man [] []
This is awesome. :D
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Super Mario Bros. sound effects rock!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Nice arrangement.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲のアメリカンな雰囲気はよく出ていると思います。 ギターの音量や発音時間調整によるメリハリのついた表現は非常に良いです。 スーパーマリオのSEはズルいですw 

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Cool banjo!
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
This song is the only way you should ever use the VRC7
2012/11/25 19:37:20 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []


2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
penis penis penis penis

2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]

also I'd love to have the source to HUNG BOOTY, I'd love you long time
2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
That's all.
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Penis-enis-enis-enis. Booty booty booty booty.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
It has expansions set, although it seem not using any; none of the ones set are one with extra RAM. It appears to be entirely software mixed PCM, not too bad music but I don't really like this kinds of music much.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
2012/11/19 06:57:37 Unnamed man [] []
ya i am heiming
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
How mature! (^-^)
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ネタとしては面白いんですけど、実質DPCMしか鳴ってない気が…? 評価が難しいです…既存曲の垂れ流しなのか、新たに作ったトラックなのか…? 前者なら論外。 後者だとすれば、楽曲としては好みですが、申告した音源を有効に使っているかという意味では、実質DPCMオンリーなのでちょっといただけません…

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
so good of you to come
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
Good luck with the filesize limit next year!
2012/11/25 19:37:37 Unnamed man [] []

『Vivaldi Concerti per Violino, archi e cembalo <<La Primavera>>』へのコメント

2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average. Nevertheless, it is very good! Expansions in list.html does not match those indicated in the .NSF header.
2012/11/17 00:35:42 Unnamed man [] []
Amazing song!! &#128516;
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This is pretty good, but I wish the waveform for the strings were better... This one annoyed me after a while, and sounds closer to an organ than a string ensemble really. I do like the harpsichord continuo instrument though. Credit where credit is due however, I really admire the work that went into this. Transcribing a whole concerto is a pretty arduous task, and you pulled it off pretty nicely. Nice job!
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
This cover of Vivaldi's Spring is accurate enough.
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good arrangement.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
ストリングスのN106音色が凝ってますね…自前でサンプリングして音色を作ったのでしょうか。 表現もかなり丁寧なのですが、例えばTrack1のバイオリンソロは聴かせどころなので、もっと大胆なフレージングが聴きたかったなぁ、とは思います。

2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Keep working on strings! (unless the intent was to sound like PC88.)
2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
kudos on the violin sound. sounds excellent!
2012/11/23 08:01:01 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] []
Massive bonus points for the impressive instrumentation
2012/11/24 16:38:05 Unnamed man [] []
Why not all four seasons?
2012/11/25 19:37:51 Unnamed man [] []

『GET WILD'12 feat. Miku Hatsune』へのコメント

2012/11/12 23:18:43 BEEPBOY [] [Website]
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I love DPCM voice samples!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
It's difficult to get good DPCM when the sample is so long.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
イントロのDPCMはずるいw これは反応せざるを得ないです。 ただ、ツカミが良かったのに、本編は全体的にパンチが弱いです。 VRC7の使い方のせいかもしれませんが、オリジナルの疾走感が損なわれてまったりしている感があります。 DPCMの初音ミクは試みとしては面白いものの、他パートに埋もれてしまっています。 もしかすると、DPCMからインストを全部抜いて、ヴォーカルだけ乗せたほうが明瞭に聴こえて良かったかもしれません。

2012/11/25 19:38:03 Unnamed man [] []

『kirby super star / boss battle&spring breeze ending』へのコメント

2012/11/11 12:01:15 YH [] []
Great tune. U can win here :3
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average.
2012/11/14 09:27:44 Tern [thesootytern@gmail.com] []
Great arrangements, wonderful song choices. Nice job!
2012/11/19 06:57:37 Unnamed man [] []
I'm sorry to say! This kirby cover kicks the other kirby cover's derri&#232;re.
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
Kirby is so cute!
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
各チャンネルとも調整されていてデキは悪くないはずなんですが、トラック1は各パートの一体感があまり感じられず、ベースライン、リズム隊、メロディがそれぞれで浮いているように聴こえました。 音域が偏っているか、矩形波パートが弱いかだと思います。 ここがもう少し調整されていると良かったなぁ、と思いました。

2012/11/22 05:31:14 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
don't like the mushy drum sound but everything else is ace.
2012/11/25 19:38:16 Unnamed man [] []

『Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.8 "Pathetique" in C Minor』へのコメント

2012/11/11 03:18:51 El Huesudo II (EH2) [huesudo2@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/11/11 04:48:07 icesoldier [psyshock73@gmail.com] [Website]
How to make classical music fun.
2012/11/11 04:56:32 Ironclad [ironcladalt@gmail.com] [Website]
Easily #1, if not the top 3.

Congrats Mex and Nicetas!
2012/11/11 13:56:52 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Reminds me a lot of the old RushJet1 Bach fugue. I love the intro to 3rd mvmt.
2012/11/12 05:24:25 zzo38 [] []
I don't really like multisong; among other thing you cannot vote separate. So, I use the average. The list.html says it uses expansion chip, even though, the file seems not expansion chip set; I think the submission is wrong. I like this kinds of music, anyways, though. It is like classical music with some new stuff added? Classical music is the kind of music I always like; other musics I like some and others don't like as much.
2012/11/17 22:29:53 油壺 [] []
2012/11/18 23:33:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This would've gotten a 5 if only the first movement had been submitted. I really liked the idea of porting an entire Beethoven sonata over to the NES, and for the most part the execution is marvelous. But in the few places where it isn't, I'm afraid it misses the mark by quite a long way... I have about as many compliments as I have complaint with this cover, and most of the former concern the last two movements. Let's look at a few of them.

-=Movt. 1=-
-The build up to the main theme is pretty much perfect, if only for a few minor things. The DPCM triangle is subtle yet effective in adding an extra polyphony channel, which is something I really liked about this part of the cover.
-The kickoff where the main theme starts is also very well done.
-Nice single channel echo throughout.
-The rhythm section in particular feels completely natural, as if Beethoven had had it in mind all along when writing his sonata. It fits perfectly, and I don't think it could've been any better. The samples chosen are really suited to the task as well, so props for that.

-Even though I said the intro was nearly perfect, there is one thing I disliked about it, and that's the vibratos. Not all of them, but in some places, they're just way too deep, and I find it takes away from the charm of the piece.
-I thought the static noise during the slow parts was a bit distracting.
-The F# played by the DPCM at 5m34s is extremely out of tune, and it's very distracting. I see you used a pretty low frequency for it; perhaps using another sample and a higher frequency would help.
-The arps played by square 1 around 6m00s are a bit too fast, I reckon.

-=Movt. 2=-
-I like the duty cycle switching on the melody.
-Nice dynamics.

-Way too much vibrato.
-Way too much portamento.
-Sounds a lot too empty after the minute mark.
-Unfinished?! This is one of the major reason why I had to take points away from my final score. If it's an export issue (which I doubt given that you gave the correct total time), then fix it before submitting; if it's simply not finished, then I would've simply left it out altogether.

-=Movt. 3=-
-Again, the dynamics are really good.
-Averts falling in the "Beethoven Virus" trap.
-The rhythm section is again quite well done, and I'm pretty sure this Beethoven himself would've had in mind.
-The crash at 3m09s sounds awesome!
-The whole part around 4m45s is just brilliant. Love it.
-Nice arps!
-Again, the single-channel echo is pretty neat.

-The intro is pretty weak in comparison to the rest. It's too cheesy and too simple in my opinion. I think it could've been done without, honestly.
-There's a few musical inaccuracies here and there (most notably at 1m23s and everywhere this passage is repeated in the rondo).
-The percussion at 1m40s... This is one of the few places where the rhythm section misses the mark slightly.
-Again, the percussion between 2m10s and 2m55s could've been done without (or been a bit more subtle, I think it's quite distracting in its current state).

Well, that as a mouthful. I hope this is taken the way it's intended to be taken - as useful, constructive criticism - and not just as bashing for the sake of being pedantic. I'd like to reiterate that I absolutely loved the first movement, and really liked the third one. Outstanding job with this, and I hope to hear the finished version of the second movement at some point! :D
2012/11/20 12:43:50 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483@gmail.com] [Website]
I assume this is Rushjet1's cover. If this is the case, congratulations on making an awesome cover!
2012/11/20 13:36:54 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
A great interpretation, especially the first movement. It catches me slightly off guard though, because I think of it as a solo piano piece, I do not expect to hear vibrato and pitch bends on the lead so much.
2012/11/20 19:26:06 Wiz. [] [Website]
これは素晴らしい! この楽曲だけは、Coverの中で明らかに抜きん出ていました。 2A03だけでここまでグイグイ来る楽曲が作れるんですね…参りました。 矩形波dutyの切り替えや大胆なフレージングは、まるでジェットコースターのようでした。 Fantastic!!!
2012/11/21 12:55:16 ionustron [ionus@maine.rr.com] []
Too much. Way too much to a detriment.
2012/11/22 06:26:15 source [thelaughingman0@yahoo.com] []
2012/11/25 19:38:35 Unnamed man [] []
2012/11/25 20:33:47 mn [] []
2012/11/25 20:38:51 yIBBON [YIBBON@GMAIL.COM] [Website]
2012/11/25 23:41:33 Unnamed man [] []