Famicompo mini vol.8 - Original Section -

『groovy cavery』へのコメント

2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice, it is funky.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
get da groove on! sweet ass stuff, hella compo opener
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Hell yeah, funnk. Nice techniques used, epspecially with just the 2a03. (Author is probably slash, or smh, or someone very similar)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
surasshu detected
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi surasshu
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
Good feel
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
Very nice!
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
ultimate grooby
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
funky vibratos i like it

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
音の切り方が大胆で面白いと思います。 細かい節回しも効いていて、インパクトがあって良いです。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]


2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
This is... boring.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Those high pitched tones are really harsh on the ears:(
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
triangle as lead is a bit overpowering
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
Why would you do this?
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
my ears!
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
i don't get it

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
The high pitched synth solo near the start is my favorite part.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
neat enough I guess
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Shnabubulator strikes again (I think). Awesome composition. The way it thickens and builds up towards the ending is fantastic; I didn't see those prog sections coming, haha. High notes at the end are a bit annoying though.
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi shnabubula
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good classical sound, especially doubled lead near the middle, lots of strong work in this
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
i really like how this one develops.
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
I quite enjoyed this!
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
stylish cool
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Excellent job! 4:40 of awesomeness, and it gets better and better as the song continues! I hope this one wins - it's my favorite of all the entries.
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
who let capcom in that's not very fair
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
アツい展開で、特にメロディの流麗さと終盤の展開が印象的でした。 ただ、スネア(シンセタム?)は若干音程が高すぎて耳につく気もします。
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Really nice composition. It reminds me of the Megaman games. Or Rockman as you call him in Japan. Heh heh.
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Crazy Freaking Entry!
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
aww yeah arp goodness
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
strong arpeggio work
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
many arps

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Nice chords. Oh yeah man. Good melodies too. Good music.

『Action 53』へのコメント

2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
If Debussy did pcp and crack and composed an nsf, the results would be similar.
2012/2/6 09:53:17 butts [] []
Awesome, chaotic song. Hilarious at points too.
2012/2/6 10:53:28 meckz [] []
screams you, Velathnos. excellent piece.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
I can see how the name fits
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
(Joint) Favourite entry of the compo, or at least it's right up there. Composition is completely off-the-wall. I'm pretty sure this is Velathnos (this is where I turn out to be hilairiously wrong:P).
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
okay WHO THE FUCK did this. don't think it be shna. velathnos?
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi velanthos
2012/2/10 00:56:53 Heosphoros [francois.mart@gmail.com] [Website]
Great song. Really fell in love with the overall feel of it. I suspect this to be Velathnos.
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
reminds me of FX3
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
this progressiveness!!
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
This was absolutely chaotic and I loved it.
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
a new song every ten seconds; some parts are really cool
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
様々な音や場面が交錯するスリリングな展開がたまりません。 それを的確に表現する技術も素晴らしいと思います。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Incredible! Amazing channel economy. The whole tune is pretty abstract and atonal, but I like it just that way. :)
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
I like the delicious "d- d- dee dee ce# ce# ceee" cadence motif that gets thrown in once in a while
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
more grooves? I like
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Nice, funky tune here.
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
blues scale cockin'
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi `nobody
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good fatness in places
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
great flow and details
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
It was pretty great!
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
shit-on-pants crazygroove

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
独特なベースラインを軸としたグルーヴの作り方が巧いと思います。 VRC6の音色を活かしたメロディも印象的です。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Catchy! I like it.
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]

『Unnamed Original』へのコメント

2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
Builds up slowly, drags, then halts. *shrug*
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
think of some names man. but yeah, great track
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
imagine alllll... the people...
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
power ballad, the feel is there, maybe try a stronger melody
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
loudest vrc7
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
Is this charming sound coming out of my Famicom? ;-)
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
chillax chordfest

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7らしいベース音とエレピ音色が印象的ですが、エレピの音はもう少しクリーンな音色のほうが良かったかなぁ、とも思います。 曲自体はシンプルですが、なんだか落ち着く感じで良い曲だと思います。
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []
real beatles like sound.


2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
楽曲の作り方自体に独特の個性を感じます。 ノイズを使った重たいドラムも印象的でした。

『Lava drama』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
umm not really my cup of tea but still decent I guess
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
some interesting sounds in this
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
gleep gleep
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
DPCMで音階(ギター?)を鳴らすことによって和音に厚みが出ていて良いです。 その分、メロのハモりやディレイにまわしたのは良い判断だと思います。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I like what you did with the DPCM channel. You made some kind of melody with it.

『horizontal desync』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Some of the melodic lines are a bit random, and some of the harmonies don't quite work. This song has its moments though
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
is this

2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
snare like a shotgun, doesn't feel like the kick matches it it. Leads sound great
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
Very awesome sound!
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
sounds nice and classic

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106を使ったduty比動的変化する音色の破壊力が物凄いです。 コモドールあたりの作風を彷彿とさせる音でした。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Cool sounding song!

『Hoop Dreams』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Hey this is Charles Barkley!! Love these
2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
Basketball players flying around weightlessly on a court that's on a chunk of earth floating around in a twilight sky in 1992. And every shot they take goes in, regardless its taken from. In Hoop Dreams, reality is unreal... OK, probably not the intention of this soundtrack, but it's helping me feel at peace.
2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Did Charles Barkley really make this?
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Snoop dreams;)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
hahahah. fuckin tristendo.
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
I really enjoyed this set of songs. They all go together very nicely, and now I want to put it to a basketball game.
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
charles brocorri
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good fun, nice samples
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
ready to slam n jam
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
Hi, I'm Charles Barkley!
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
chaz buttly jams in a slam
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
shut up and jammin
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
I really liked this one. Great concept and ideas, great music, great job.
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Hey! This is Charles Barkley and I approve of this entry.
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Sister Tangerine』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
now this is something! could loop this for hours I'm sure
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
I really like this one. Very catchy melody, not much to fault really. (Maybe this is actually slash.. or smh.. or someone similar)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
i love you
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
Who is this? This is PPMCK-made, that's all I know about it. It's also my favorite originals entry. Hope you win!
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
sounds great for a classical tune
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
big arps and fun leads, well crafted
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
great pop-ish composition, very catchy theme, i want to hear the lyrics!
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
かわいいよ  ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙.+♥♫♥+.
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
It really sounds great! One of my favorites this year.
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Great music. The beginning reminds me of a song from Mother 3.
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


『omg is dat sushi bro?』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
nope, not sushi, it's chinese takeout
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
follin arp attack. despite popular belief i am not guilty.
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi ancat
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
i like this snare and bassline.
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color.
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
yes it's sushi

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]

『OREIMO HELL - FCM8 beta ver.』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Baka Baka! Kirino <3
2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
no lo entiendo
2012/2/5 21:52:07 Unnamed man [] []

2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 11:07:51 null1024 [nullsolaris@gmail.com] [Website]
Why, just why?
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
I had enough of that voice by the last episode :|
2012/2/6 23:27:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hell is right
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
kunka kunka!
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
This was horrible.
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
no thanks
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
何やってんすかROPさんw これはひどいwww(褒め言葉  この前、コレ聴いた瞬間、ご飯噴いちゃったじゃないすか! ご飯返せw
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This is some fun stuff. Heh heh. Nice use of the DPCM.
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []
Hey! come on ROP sound!!
Good snare track of 4.

『Fire Breath』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:10:31 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
breath of fire! bleep bleep bleep
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Very enjoyable song (return of Spanish Pirates?)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
swashbuckling on the pulsewaves
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
quoite good. hi ... uh, commandycan??
2012/2/10 00:56:53 Heosphoros [francois.mart@gmail.com] [Website]
One of my personal favs. It has a great melody and feel through out.
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
big sound
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
catchy stuff. it's kinda power metal. a good guitar solo would really sell it
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
really cool feeling :D
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Overall, a strong, solid composition. I feel that the envelopes could have used a bit more precision, but regardless, the song sounds great. One of my favorites.
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
これはアツイ曲だなぁ。 VRC6の音色もイイ味出してるんですが、メロディの矩形波音色は曲が展開していくに連れて、もう少し変化させても良かったかもしれません。 そこだけは惜しい。
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
Really nice, second's part awesome.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
not bad man
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
何拍子なのかよくわからないイントロから4つ打ちになる繋ぎが印象的でした。 また、中盤のショートノイズを使ったディストーションギター表現には、音の厚みに驚かされました。

『Impulsos magneticos』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
bleep bloop. technically a masterpiece, wish I could say the same melodically
2012/2/7 00:23:15 Unnamed man [] []
So Cool!
I'd like 2 listen more long it!
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Haha, love it.
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
fuck yes, chip'nbass. love this one.
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
i'm so excited!!!
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
some nice ideas
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
低音と様々な手法で表現されたSEによる尋常ではない疾走感に痺れました。 終盤の音が細切れになる箇所はちょっと切りすぎな気がします…ここだけが惜しい。
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This is some cool stuff.
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Neurotoxin M』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:10:31 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Stunning entry (.. by Coda?). Consistantly good throughout:)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
shrinny detected. not sure which!
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi coda
2012/2/10 00:56:53 Heosphoros [francois.mart@gmail.com] [Website]
Obvious Coda is Obvious
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
some nice ideas here too, especially the bass flow in chords
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
should i critique my own song? listening to this for the first time in a while, i think i should have added some more heavier metal sections to contrast with the melodic parts. it was actually pretty rushed, but i do like the final chorus.
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
Very good!
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
There's a lot of good material here, it keeps moving. Sweet details
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Amazing song! Reminds me a little bit of Cherry Drive, a little bit of Cheetahmen 3D, and a little bit of Shumped. This is one of the best songs of famicompo mini 8, I think.
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Fantastic! I can tell a lot of work went into this.
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I like it!

『Marching Spiders』へのコメント

2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
goin to the store, goin to the store, millions o' spiders goin to the store to wreck havoc and spin flies
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
...marching spiders?
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
ファミコンらしいキラキラしたシンプルな作りで好感が持てます。 80年代前半のゲームの曲をファミコンに移植した感がよく出ていると思います。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 23:32:31 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
I wish it were longer

(oh the pun, it hurts)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
not sure, but here's a stab in the dark: xaimus? u trollin'?
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
PENIS FOREVER!!! !!! !!!
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
Heh heh!
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
Deven Gallo from an alternate dimension.
He has come to stop the government projects and the evil Deven Gallo, who could threaten all existence.
He joins Victor and Linus at some point to fight.
He's not as strong as evil Deven Gallo, but he has a special feature - when he was younger, his penis was injured and had to be replaced with a prosthetic penis.
This penis works like a normal penis, but it absorbs energy.
Whenever an enemy attacks Deven, his penis absorbs some of the energy of the attack, especially if it was an electric or special attack.
Once the penis energy is maxed out, it's released in a special move, called 'Deven Gallo's penis'.
As Deven's level increases, the amount of energy that his penis stores increases, but it also takes longer to charge up as well.
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
should be longer

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
何なんでしょうこのタイトルw 微妙な音色変化のある心地よい前半のメロからぶっきらぼうな高速アルペジオに移行して、xxxxxという台詞と共に突如終わる…インパクトは凄かったです。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []
ど う し て こ の タ イ ト ル に な っ た ?

『love is insecurable』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
This might've been my favorite original by quite a long mile. The drop 2 minutes in was very sick. What a masterpiece this is :D
2012/2/5 21:52:07 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
Too long... get pretty good after a while.
2012/2/6 09:53:17 butts [] []
Probably the most amazing nsf tune I've ever heard. This is absolutely beautiful.
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
sweetest tuen I've ever heard comin out of the 2a03 so far, man this is sum baller shit right here. definitely winner (and I'm helpin)
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Astonishing production for an .nsf (especially considering there are no expansions), and great sounds coming out of the vrc6. Plus, that tune is so catchy it's rediculous.

Author sounds like chibi-tech.. or somebody doing a very, very good impersonation of him, haha:P
2012/2/8 11:15:33 nekojin [geneslicer79@yahoo.com] []
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi chibitech
2012/2/10 00:56:53 Heosphoros [francois.mart@gmail.com] [Website]
Top 2 in FCM8, no doubt. Great VRC6 song!
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
Sounds like ChibiTech :D
The mixing sounds great
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
Chibi-Tech, I saw your performance at 2.5D last year! Recently you're using FamiTracker, right?
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
CAPSULE entered!? ;) nice job
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
it is great to see a "serious" song from this artist :) the vocal stutter-edits and sidechaining are spot on, easy to forget that i'm listening to an NSF!
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
This was awesome and you should feel awesome.
2012/2/21 05:26:03 Kameron [childoftheossuary@gmail.com] []
Beautifully composed.
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
The longest song of originals but doesnt feel like it at all. ♪ヾ(。・ω・。)ノ゙ So good 2dmaxx
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Best sound design I've heard in an nsf. Sounds fantastic. We may have a winner!
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
圧のかかったバッキングトラックの重厚さと、唄うように流麗なメロディ…どちらも凄い! VRC6をうまく使ったフィルタ的表現、思わず身体が動いてしまうグルーヴ感も素晴らしい。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This is absolutely out of this world. The technique in this is fantastic: the triangle multitasking, the side-chain compression, the amazing channel usage... It's obvious the author knows his stuff. I really love how the square and noise "sing" the title just before the 2-minute mark, too!
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love listening to this trance song!
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Night Atmosphere』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
oh you
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
crickets or a watch alarm?
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
we get it
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
これは面白い曲だなぁ。 場面が目に浮かびすぎる。 こういうの好きです。 個人的にアイデア賞あげたいw
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This song is just lazy...
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Rock me, Chippy』へのコメント

2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
Sound effects sounds amazing, it's great.
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
this grooves
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi djjizzer
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
いくらVRC6を使っているとはいえ、この音の重厚さはあり得ない…耳を疑いました。 ショートノイズを駆使したベースラインや、細かいduty変更+デチューンによるコモドールを彷彿とさせるメロディなど、とにかくインパクトが凄かったです。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Clever use of looped noise!

『Rockman Like BGM: 8boss battle』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
rockman indeed, wish it was more orignal ish
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
yes. yes it is.
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
yes, rockman-like
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
ok i guess

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This definitely sounds like a Megaman song.
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Opus One』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:10:31 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
HI FLAMINGLOG!!! Skateman here, very good job! I love this wacky style and I knew it was you who made this just 1 minute in. Amazing job dude! ^_^
2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
Fantastic opening, I like the fast parts.
2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
The old-song feel is well done.
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
At first I thought my Sega Master System was broken.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
hahaha holy shit
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
It's another one of these "every-genre" songs? It does go on a bit, but all the same, I still find it really enjoyable. Some real effort went into making this, by the sounds of things
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
interesting, sounds like Mother when fueled by alcohol, good dynamic sense, nice ending
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
i'm sure everyone likes the record scratch. but that aside, i enjoyed the sentimental style at the beginning, before it started to fall into a more baroque progression for most of the song.. it's redeemed again by the swing section at the end.
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
screw it i can't think of more comments
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
冒頭の古いフィルムを廻す時のような効果音や揺らぎのあるメロディ、そこから徐々にテンポを上げていくところの疾走感など、インパクトが凄い。 表現の1つ1つをとっても非常に細やかで素晴らしいです。 曲からストーリーや場面が明確に浮かんできます。 心の琴線に触れる楽曲でした。
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『until the setting of the sun』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
bit simple, ehhh
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
The drums seemed to be lacking some punch and some clarity. Harmonies were sometimes a bit odd too. Otherwise, it's not bad. There's definitely some potential there
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good overall sound
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
後半のアツい展開は結構好みかも。 三角波ベースラインを重視したせいか、メロディが薄い感じがしてちょっと勿体無い気もしました。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2a03 rock!って感じでとても好きです。

『Fellini Bergman camping trip』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
reminds me of Brodyquest haha
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Wonderful character to this one.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
CORPSE MUSIC (no not that kind of corpse)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
nintendoots. kondo would be proud.
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good harmonic ideas
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
could anyone not smile when listening to this?
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
なんかほっとする曲…と思いきや、終盤で急にテンションが高くなってくるのが面白いです。 曲自体は割と好きなんですが、表現はもう少し研究の余地がありそうです。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]


2012/2/5 13:41:58 nicetas_c [nicetas.c@gmail.com] []
this is going to win
2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
I threw off my headphones in confusion.
2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
This is a good song!
2012/2/6 10:53:28 meckz [] []
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
Radock, I must say that you have made the best NSF I have ever heard. This nickelback cover is the best one of all time, and if you don't win this compo, I will be very surprised. In fact, this was such an original idea that it didn't belong in covers, which is why it's here! Good to know that at least some of the new guys are up and coming chipwizards.
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
i guess you really trolled those chiptunes! congrats!
2012/2/20 07:27:21 Flaminglog [flaminglog0@gmail.com] []
I laughed so hard when I heard how this was made.
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
o i finally get it now i heard you typed some nickelback song into a pattern lol get it that's the joke
good job there radock boy all the people who don't rock the glamarous aspie cripple lifestyle sure never saw that one coming

man you and your bros totally showed famicompo who's boss
i hope all you guys never die of aids
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
go away
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one made me laugh. I don't mean that in a negative way.
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Walking on Clouds』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
happy but still
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
timbres are nice, cute melodic hooks
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
1音1音が丁寧に作られているのが好印象です。 メロディの重ね方で音色にバリエーションを持たせていたりなど、小技が光ってます。 曲自体も軽快で、特に長音の前後で細かく転がるように動く音が印象的で非常に良いと思います。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
BROWNWAVE of destruction
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
that happens to me occasionally
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
skid mark
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
リズムパターンが激しくて印象的でした。 恐らく低音の重厚さを重視しているのでしょうが、内蔵音源のみで表現するには少々荷が重いのかもしれません。 敢えてメロのディレイを削って低音にまわすなど、もう少し研究の余地がありそうです。

『The Great Void (Aphelion)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
The slow lyrical movement in the second track is great.
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 10:53:28 meckz [] []
always loved this one, so glad i can hear an nsf of it. can't wait for diad, dudes.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Oh, hi Diad:) Nice couple of songs you have here
2012/2/8 11:15:33 nekojin [geneslicer79@yahoo.com] []
Nice job Heos/Diad! I have to be honest, I liked Dimension-Reversing Dualities more, because uh, it was "more metal" than this, ja. But, man cannot live on metal alone. Still, beautiful work, and I look forward to hearing more!
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
diad detected
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
the long-awaited sequel from Diad. You two are the true wizards of the 2a03.
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
nice spooky sound, especially the vocal
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
pretty obvious who this is :) you guys have come a long way. the voice was a brilliant idea for reinforcing the narrative style.
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
hemp me
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
Really good sound, neat song
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
曲自体がかなり好みです。 1曲目は憂いが伝わってくるようなメロディとベースライン、そして何度か聴こえてくる「Help me」のDPCMが非常に印象的でした。 2曲目はイントロなどの低音ディストーションギターと疾走感のあるメロディライン、そして後半の不穏かつ泣きの展開がまた素晴らしい。 タイトルからして「Help me」と叫んでいた女性はその後…気になる。 楽曲自体の構成はもちろん、それを的確に聴かせる細かいテクニックが光ってます。 素晴らしいです。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
What a rocking tune!
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Blue Sands』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
this is good too
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
アツイ曲で「こういう曲がファミコンゲームでかかってたら燃えるだろうなぁ」という感じでした。 綺麗にまとまっているとは思いますが、メロディと裏のアルペジオの音色はたまに切り替えたほうが良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I feel a Konami vibe with this one, specifically TMNT 2: The Arcade Game.


2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Could use some better drums, and some non-clashy harmonies
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
balancing volumes a little better at the beginning might give this a nicer build
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
不穏なイントロが印象的だと思ったら、その後のDPCMベースでちょっと驚きました…が、むしろそのせいで他のパートの音の薄さが目立って勿体無いなぁ…と。 矩形波の不穏な表現自体は面白いと思うので、特にノイズや三角波などを使って厚みを出すと良かったかもしれません。


2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
could need some more work brah
2012/2/6 23:32:31 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
The way this song builds up each chorus is really neat, plus there are some clever effects too. The VRC6 channels could be put to much greater use though
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
We're getting married, thank you all truly (and sorry that I haven't been giving chipmusic so much focus lately)
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
2012/2/21 23:39:28 eee [] []
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲の肝は、SEやイントロ他何度か出てくる「ダダダダダー」、独特なベースラインなど、曲全体に漂う「浮かれた雰囲気」に尽きると思います。 特に、敢えて不安定なモジュレーションの使い方が巧いです。 全体的には割とシンプルな雰囲気ですが、表現したいものが明確で、恐らく狙い通りなのではないでしょうか。 曲終盤の厚みのある和音は、結婚する二人を祝福するように聴こえました。 思わず「おめでとう!」と心の中でつぶやいてしまいました。
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
If I understood the title correctly, it means that you're getting married on the 21st of April. Congratulations. Nice song too.
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Pretty solid track!
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
The kind with a hole in it, I presume
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
ya i am heiming
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
ei esu esu
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
ya im heiming
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []

『8 Bit Back Alley Swagga』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]

『Race Against Time』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Woah! Cool :D
2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
Gets intresting after the intro.
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
better than I expected at first, nice work
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Very nice, especially after the introduction. Sounds like it could be Rushjet, but I don't think it is..
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi mex
2012/2/10 00:56:53 Heosphoros [francois.mart@gmail.com] [Website]
Great last minute song!
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
well crafted
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
とにかく中盤からの展開がアツい! 音色変化や高速アルペジオを巧みに使ったテンションの高め方が巧いと思います。 惜しむらくは、リズム隊が薄いこと…DPCMの音に凝ってもう少し低音の厚い音にしたり、ノイズを重ねて重みを出すと更に良くなると思います。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Ooh! I wasn't expecting this transition halfway through. Nice! The whole track is very well done.
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This feels like a Kirby Final Boss theme. Awesome Job!


2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6を巧く使ったイントロの繊細な音色変化や鋸波ベースラインが非常に印象的でした。 少しだけ惜しいのが、メロディに疾走感があるのにリズム隊が足を引っ張っている気がしました。 テンポが速くなってからは、キック(バスドラム)をもう少しドコドコ鳴らしても良かったかなぁ、と。(このへんは好みもあるんでしょうけど…)


2012/2/5 23:31:30 omni [omniputance@gmail.com] [Website]
Really interesting and funky tune.
2012/2/6 09:53:17 butts [] []
Love all the arps and the energetic melody. Great, great stuff.
2012/2/6 10:52:22 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Hands down favourite.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
oh man this is something by itself, sweet ass baller stuff
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []

In all seriousness though, this is so good. Kulor leads:)
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
hahahah all the old jokes. fuckin' great! fave in contest.
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi kulor
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
What is this overwhelming feeling of happiness...
must be Kulor ^O^
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
strong use of samples, good harmonies
2012/2/18 14:15:09 chkktri [tails07@live.ru] [Website]
Actual length is ~1:57
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
i hope you weren't planning this joke for 3 years, but it was a pretty great idea anyway
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
why did you fade the song so early like that it was getting so good too
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
(づ ・ω ・)づ。。・゜゜・。。・゜&#10084;

2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Honestly, I feel that Sig Benis tried to branch out too much this year. He should have just stuck to what he's good at: DPCM loops.

Just kidding - It's really a great song and makes me very happy.
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
また例の曲か…と思わせといてからの展開が凄い! FDSの音色がとにかくインパクトあります…特にベースライン。 この特殊な波形は、元波形を思いっきりクリッピングさせた状態で変換したのでしょうか…? 強烈! 自由奔放なメロディもイイ味出してます。 驚きました…
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Really cool stuff.
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Nice samples Kulor. :p
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []

『Conquer the Skies』へのコメント

2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
this works, somewhat
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Another entry that stands a good chance of winning. Great sounds design and jazzy chords. Volume levels seem a bit unbalanced though.
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
wow, chick corea attack. author is possibly madbrain? i can't be sure but this excellent. i want an album of this stuff.
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
Oskari conquer the skies
2012/2/12 12:40:32 Unnamed man [] []
i love this song but imo the vrc7 is too loud
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good fm-style, wish the drums were stronger
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
I really like the leads to this song, and the groovin' bass line. One of the best in this compo.
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7らしさを前面に出した曲で、音色と音数のパワーを前面に押し出していてとにかくインパクトがありました。 打ち込み方もメリハリがあってかなり良いと思います。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Did I just hear the cmsht jingle, or was that just me? Pretty solid track. Sounds rather madbrain-ish!
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『The Wrath Of God』へのコメント

2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I know the words to this one.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
that dpcm
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
swingin dies irie
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
very great awesome
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
スネアドラムの小気味良さが印象的でした。 その他は普通かなぁ…メロディはもっと大胆にエンベロープやゲートタイムを動かしても良かったかな、と思います。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]


2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Dat VRC7. Amazing stuff O_O
2012/2/6 11:28:06 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Love the gravity of it. Wish this was longer.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
ehh, not my thing
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Entry 42.. VRC420.. funny coincidence.

Interesting sounds and sweet harmonies:) Sadly, it feels very short and doesn't go anywhere else. What's there is good though. Sounds like a Lunar entry
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi lunar
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
a lunrar is you
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
wish the drums and bass were stronger, great ideas in this
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
cool sounds
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Short but sweet. Love the sounds you're getting. You made one of my favorite entries, again!
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7使用曲ですが、内蔵の矩形波の鳴らし方も随分凝っていて印象的でした…が、VRC7の音が元々柔らかめなので、トガった鳴らし方の内蔵音源パートと若干食い合わせが悪いのかな?という気もしました。 2A03とVRC7が別の曲として分離して聴こえちゃうのが惜しいです。
2012/2/24 07:36:31 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Ooh wow! Nice chords! I just wish it was longer and had more sections. It does make pretty creative use of the VRC7 however!
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]


2012/2/5 01:10:31 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
oh is this really VRC6? no that must be dpcm or something
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Digging the combination of slap bass + nes though it does sound slightly out of tune in some parts. Excellent entry though; certainly one of the best
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
gotta love those sunsoft bass slapfunks.
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
Wowee another good song from someone I can't figure out. This is really nice. Listened to it about 300 times.
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
nice bass, please try a stronger melody, the harmonies are great
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
Neat :D
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
I loved you SunSoft sound skills + VRC6 background :-)
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
amazing bass

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
これは…ベースラインにDPCMを使ってるんですね…インパクトあります。 ベースラインの音量はもう少し大きくても良かったかも。 VRC6ならではの独自dutyの矩形波もイイ味出してます。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Interesting! You made a VRC6 song with DPCM bass and Triangle drums. Great Job!
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
when the pimp's in the crib ma drop it like it's hot
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi ui
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
fun beat
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
Sweet grooveee
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
とにかく低音のインパクトが強烈。 矩形波のSEも異質なものを敢えて鳴らすことで低音を引き立たせる効果があると思います。 ループ直前のブレイクとハンドクラップも印象的でした。(ハンドクラップは出だしにもう少し高音が欲しかったです…ここだけ惜しかった)
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]


2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Just a wild guess here, but is this BlitzLunar? Sorry if it isn't you, but whoever made this, this was very beautiful *u*
2012/2/6 09:53:17 butts [] []
Wonderful song.
2012/2/6 10:53:28 meckz [] []
hahaha, knew who this one was within seconds. excellent!
2012/2/6 11:03:58 yibbon [yibbon@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 02:04:00 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
;_; in b4 you win famicompo again
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi FearofDark
2012/2/11 14:08:24 (^p^) [] []
fearofdark :D
2012/2/12 06:34:10 kitchenmaniac111 [potatoman12@gmail.com] []
2012/2/12 19:12:06 mn [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
brilliantly crafted
2012/2/18 17:26:32 coda [matrix@engramstudio.com] [Website]
best dynamics i've ever heard in an NSF. magical. must take place after the penguins have been defeated?
2012/2/21 14:46:36 `nobody [linkedtothepast@gmail,com] [Website]
▼(.&#9673;&#7461;&#9673;.)▼ the cutest
Really wonderful, good dynamics
2012/2/22 20:46:10 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
高速・低速アルペジオとVRC6の発音数を活かした和音、ゆったりしたメロディの対比が印象的です。 聴かせ方が巧いなぁ、と感じました。 ダイナミックな音量変化やメロを際立たせたい部分で敢えて音を抜くなど、編曲がとにかく素晴らしいです。
2012/2/24 06:51:22 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Really beautiful music.
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This guy really knows how to make a NSF!
2012/2/24 23:20:48 Unnamed man [] []
so good job!!!

『Super Juno 5-Pack』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:10:31 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 12:06:00 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Hi rushjet1! Great job! Love these :D
2012/2/5 15:05:20 optomon [kuzeelar@hotmail.com] []
Soundtrack is not as catchy as it could be. Track #2 has really good melodies in it, however, and is a nice example of recurring phrases and themes with good twists and hooks.
2012/2/6 10:53:28 meckz [] []
rj1 you beast. hope juno gets finished.
2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
flows well, neat mix
2012/2/8 09:17:55 FoD [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Great pack of songs, all of which complement each other very well. Author sounds like it could be Rushjet .. again
2012/2/9 08:19:43 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi me

also lol @ people who thought 5 different artists did this. where did you get that idea? five different artists who happen to use the samples I use, who happen to do the same dorky things I do in my FTMs? I wasn't expecting these to remain anonymous at all, I mean, hell, I have 3 of these on my youtube!! Tadpole was like "clearly you did this one" when he heard it :P
2012/2/10 00:56:53 Heosphoros [francois.mart@gmail.com] [Website]
Great work from the amazing RJ1! Always a treat! I hate the congas, however.
2012/2/22 11:15:33 tadpole [tadpole@tadpolemusic.us] [Website]
Quality stuff! Track 5 is my favorite, then track 4.
2012/2/24 00:28:26 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
i don't like the idea of voting once for five songs

2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
全体的にファミコンの熱い曲が集結!という趣で、どれも聴きごたえがありました。 VRC6を使っているせいもありますが、作風がかなりコナミのファミコンゲームテイスト寄りに感じます。 メロディはもう少しだけゲートタイムを調整してメリハリを入れると更に良くなりそうな気もしました。 5曲目に向かうに連れてどんどん音の厚みが増していってますが、マルチトラックNSFの性質上、ライトリスナーに2トラック目以降が聴かれる保障が無いので、1曲目からVRC6を使ったほうが良かったかもしれません…そこが本当に惜しい。 曲はどれも素晴らしいと思います。
2012/2/24 13:48:54 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Awesome Job!
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『The Leyend of the Ghost Town and BEARDIEMAN the drunk pirate』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
bonus point for title
2012/2/7 00:28:07 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/17 14:38:49 chunter [chunter_16@pobox.com] [Website]
good sounds, a fun piece once it develops
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
形容し難い独特の雰囲気を持つ曲でした。(曲名に「drunk」と入ってるところをみると、酩酊状態を表している…?) 不安定な和音やモジュレーション、テンポなどがイイ味出してます。
2012/2/24 20:52:18 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Ronery Booogalooo』へのコメント

2012/2/6 14:41:33 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/21 05:19:50 Unnamed man [] []
the life and times of kim jong-il
2012/2/24 00:43:36 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6の鋸波をメロに使うのは案外珍しい気がしますね…ツカミに鋸波メロディを持ってきたことでインパクトがありました。 ただ、イントロが分厚い高速アルペジオだった分、その直後の音の薄さが目立ってしまっていて惜しい。 あと、これから盛り上がるかなぁ…というところで突如終わってしまうのが惜しかった。 もう少し聴きたかったです。