Famicompo mini vol.8 - Cover Section -


2012/2/5 06:16:46 fsvgm777 [fsvgm777@gmail.com] []
Pretty good overall.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Nice custom instruments.
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I have a soft spot for Space Harrier.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
That FM patch is super bright on Notsofatso :o
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
that old chestnut :)
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
excellent cover
2012/2/9 10:49:24 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
too tired to write comments, sorry
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/16 04:37:15 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
VRC7 is very loud here. Overall mixing could be better, and main melody should be an octave higher. Otherwise, pretty accurate and very nice cover :)
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
唯一のFM音源であるVRC7の利点を活かして、原曲に忠実な雰囲気にうまくまとめていると思います。 後半はもうちょい各音の発音時間を短くして、歯切れ良くしたほうがメリハリがついて良かったかもしれません。 あと、環境のせいか音源のせいかわかりませんが、イントロ〜前半のメロディの長音の途中で音色がたまに裏返ってるように聴こえるのが少し気になりました。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Good cover, it sounded like the original.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
VRC7でしっかり再現されてる愛がある作品だと思った。驚きはなかった 違和感もなかった
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Final Fantasy 4 バトル1 FCアレンジ』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Very polished for the direction you were approaching it from
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
A tad literal but nice!
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
確かに、ファミコン内蔵音源に移植したらこんな感じだろうなぁ…という雰囲気は感じました。 好みの問題かもしれませんが、ノイズがちょっと前面に出すぎている感があったので、今よりも若干軽めの音のほうが良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Fairly good cover, but there were a few innacuracies. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think it's the most interesting choice of song to cover. I hope you aren't offended, whoever did this.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []
l8 a>cee-gg-re- e4<b>c4<a-ae は1octユニゾンとか、もうちょっと工夫の余地あったんじゃないかなぁ。あとはSDコマンド入れるとか。
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Level 42 - Turn It On』へのコメント

2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Great groove, reminds me of Jonathan Dunn's Puzznic.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Tight and nice!!! a little repetitive tho.
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
LEVEL 42? IN MY FAMICOMPO? more likely than i thought.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
印象に残る音の使い方で、聴いた瞬間「おっ!」と思わず唸ってしまいました。 特に、FDSで鳴らしている波形が一癖も二癖もあって面白いです。 矩形波・サイン波・鋸波に近い音なんだけど、敢えて微妙に変えてあるところなんかが多彩で巧いと思いました。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Great cover, fantastically fun to listen to.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I wasn't expecting Level 42 to make an appearance in a FCM, and I'm pleasantly surprised! The FDS is neatly used, the mixing is great, the tune is groovy and the cover is really thorough; this is really really nice to listen to!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love the jazziness of this song.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『lemonade stand』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
This wants to be XTREME :D
2012/2/16 04:37:15 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Another loud entry:/
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6らしい音使いが巧いと思います。 特にベースラインが印象的。 個人的には、内蔵矩形波がだいぶ余らせてるのが勿体無いなぁ…とは思いました。 余らせてるチャンネルを有効に使えば、もっと印象的な曲になった気がします。
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Overkill Stage Introduction』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Nice ensemble.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Like this but it's kinda short no? Nice Sunsoft bass, too.
2012/2/16 04:49:16 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Drums are way too quiet, but not a bad cover otherwise. Harmonies are pretty much spot on :)
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
DPCMをベースラインに使ってますが、これが逆効果になっていて惜しいです。 他パートに埋もれてしまい、リズム隊全体が弱くなっています。 DPCMをベースラインに使うのであれば、もっと音量を上げるべきだったかも。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This song is pretty acurate.


2012/2/5 11:26:18 YS [] [Website]
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
super cool :D
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
This one really blew my mind! I was expecting it to be just a joke entry, but then... ._.
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I hope you guys like to calypso.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
This is... simply brilliant.

If you're not Shnabubula, I'll


I dunno what I'll do
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
god, this is a continuous stream of lols. actual genius.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
amazing cover here. lots of fun to listen to.
2012/2/11 21:07:46 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
I feel your love for nintendo games!
2012/2/16 04:49:16 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []

Sounds like something Shnabubula would do
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
冒頭、原曲の完コピと思わせておいての怒涛の展開…これはヤラレタ!と思いました。 編曲が素晴らしいです。 個人的には、0:49頃からのベースラインとその後のメロディラインの展開が好きです。 リスナーを飽きさせない、様々な手法を使った魅せ方も素晴らしい。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This is almost like a whole new song rather than a cover, heh. I can tell that a lot of work went into this.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
At first I thought this was a joke entry; thankfully, I kept listening. Interesting remix! It's definitely not bad; it reminds me of Shnabubula's alt.reality NSFs from a while ago. I like that there's much original content in there.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love the part at the end where the Super Mario Bros. 2 Boss Defeated music plays.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []



2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []
次から次へと変わるNintendo Sound. 今回数少ない5点作品です。

『Thunder Force IV - Omake 2』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Kinda overdoes it no? :o
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
DPCMベースラインの重さと重厚なドラムが強烈でした。 メロディラインを50%矩形波に絞ったことでその対比が明確となり、良い効果を生んでいるように思いました。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This sounded good. Nice stuff.

『Flaming June[BT]Chelnov Theme[アトミックランナー・チェルノブ 戦う人間発電所]奥の細道[姫神せんせいしょん]The Robots[kraftwerk]ふるへっへっへ[P-MODEL]』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Gotta love Kraftwerk!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Spaaaarse! Needs more chords :D
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目はメロの裏で鳴ってる高速アルペジオをかけた音が濁り過ぎていて、バランスが悪くなっているのが惜しいです。 2曲目は原曲をうまくファミコンに落とし込んでる印象でした。 後半のメロ裏で鳴ってる金属音っぽいのが面白かったです。 中盤の採譜ミスが少し惜しかった。 3曲目は無難なデキだと思いますが、メロのしゃくり(発音から0.5秒後ぐらいに一瞬ピッチが上がって戻る感じ)は再現して欲しかったなぁ…あれがこの曲の肝だと思うので。 4曲目も無難だと思いますが、三角波をドラムに、矩形波をベースに割り当てたのは正解だと思います。 5曲目はキックとベースラインが強烈でした。 原曲を知らなかったので原曲も聴いてみたのですが、聴かせどころをうまく再現していると思います。 インパクトがあるので、コレが1曲目のほうが良かったかも。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Cool stuff. I can tell that lots of work went into this.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Herzog Zwei / There is No Time to Lose』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Almost thought it was VRC7! Great instruments!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Messed up harmony... really faithful tho!
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
Great N106 waveform morphing, it's like FM synth.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106パートでかなり複雑な波形が鳴っていますが、FM音源からの音色コンバートでしょうか。 特に、時間経過でモーフィングする音色がFM音源チックで良いです。 ベースラインにも存在感があります。 ドラムは敢えてDPCMを使ってませんが、三角波ドラムが重量感があってなかなか良いと思います。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Interesting choice of song to cover. It sounded good.

『Lord Gold Throneroom』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Needs more variety.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
スネアドラムが薄いのが惜しいですね…もう少しパワーのある音色にするか、ノイズを重ねたほうが良かったかも。 あと、途中から入る鋸波音色以外であまりVRC6を使う必然性を感じませんでした。(これならMMC5でもイケそう) よりVRC6らしい音を追求すると良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Windy Valley (with a Swing)』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Don't know this song but it has a fun bounce, almost sounds like something from Banjo Kazooie. :D
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
MMC5を使った和音のエコー具合が巧いです。 明らかに他の曲と違うゴージャスな響き方をしていてちょっと驚きました。 メロディの軽快なニュアンスも巧いと思います。 ただ、和音が若干ワンパターンかなぁ、という気がしたのが惜しいです。 和音パートにもう少し変化をつけたほうが良かったかも。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This is perhaps not the kind of thing I would usually listen to, but I can't deny that it was well made.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I like the arrangement of this Sonic Adventure song.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
(with swing)ってのが正に個人的に嬉しかったですね。素敵なアレンジだと思います。

『What can I do』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Dunno, more NSF music? :D
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
鋸波ベースや和音でVRC6らしさが出ていて良いと思うのですが、冒頭と後半の三角波メロディが埋もれがちなのがちょっと惜しいです。 環境の問題かもしれませんが、三角波メロディを1オクターブ上げるか、三角波メロディの音量を基準に他パート音量を下げるとより良かったかもしれません。

『コンチェルトゲート -リセリア城-』へのコメント

2012/2/5 00:04:28 Unnamed man [] []
This is a clear winner.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
o god so many instruments
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Woaa big sound time!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
obligatory multiexpansion cover. great though! love the richness of the arrangement.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
very nice, robokabuto
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/17 02:16:20 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Awesome production, and excellent control of volume levels given the number of expansions used. I hope this one finishes highly :)
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/21 23:10:42 eee [] []
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
多種音源同時使いが相変わらず凄いですが、この曲に関しては特に低音金管楽器の響きが凄い! VRC7と他の音源を同時に使うと喧嘩して響きが調和しないことが多いんですが、この曲では綺麗にまとめあげていることが凄いです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one impressed me.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Aah. What Famicompo Mini event would be complete without its own SUPER ONE-THOUSAND-EXPANSION-CHIPS SYMPHONY entry? Thankfully, the Master Robokabuto knows his stuff, and the whole thing is brilliantly mixed, and the DMC samples sound crisp and clear. Everything about this entry is masterfully done, my only complaints being the awkward, slow vibrato on the N163 lead near the end, and the NSF being so short! Other than that, it's wonderful!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This song is impressive because you play multiple expansion chips in one song.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []



2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Battle Theme』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Starting to notice a trend here...

Nice portamento.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
yet another ff4 battle song. this one has pitchbend! but unfortunately it's a bit lazy sounding, like it was just left on the entire song.
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
別の方もカヴァーしてましたが、こちらはVRC6なだけあって流石に音の厚みがあります。 ただ、原曲のベタ打ち感までそのまま持ってきた為か、特にメロディのストリングスが浮いて聴こえます。 ビブラート等を使って表現に凝ってみるとより良くなる気がします。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Pretty good cover. I think it might be slightly more accurate than the other cover. But the choice of song is still not terribly interesting. I don't mean to offend you by saying this.
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []

2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『ドラゴンセイバー - 火山』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Man I love N106...
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
So proggy! So Konami!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
oh yes! let's get some Shinji Hosoe in famicompo.
2012/2/9 02:24:13 AnS [ansstuff@yandex.ru] [Website]
Very nice tune!
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
this one has a very nice sound to it
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
Even if this game was ported to Family Computer, I think it wouldn't so rich & nice like this.
2012/2/17 02:16:20 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Sounds excellent :)
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
これは頑張ってますね。 N106という原曲とは全く異なる音源で原曲のシンセっぽい音が出ていることに驚きました。 個人的には、この曲はメロディの気持ち良さが肝だと思うので、もう1音削ってメロディのディレイにまわしても良かった気がします。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one impressed me.

『Epoch - Wings of Time』へのコメント

2012/2/5 06:16:46 fsvgm777 [fsvgm777@gmail.com] []
The beginning sounds quite faithful to the original, but then... starting at 0:27, some notes sound way too silent.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Very clean.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Awesome song choice! A good tribute to the original though the volume drop on the lead is really strange.
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
one of my favourite Chrono Trigger songs :') wonderful cover.
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/17 02:16:20 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
The chords are way too loud, and they drown out the melody. The melody itself also keeps cutting out for some reason. Otherwise, rather enjoyable and accurate cover :) Perhaps fewer expansions could've been used too.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
結構色々な音源が鳴ってる…はずですが、VRC7以外の音源が裏方にまわりすぎて、あまり存在感を感じないのが非常に勿体無いです。 特に、MMC5,N106を使う必然性がほぼ感じられません。(メロディは未使用の2A03矩形波で表現できる範囲だと思います) 拡張音源を使うからには、その音源が活きる使い方のほうが良い気がします。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Very well done, it sounded fantastic.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Another superchip symphony! While I really enjoyed it, I just wish the VRC7 was mixed a bit better; it really drowns out everything else, especially the N163 - at least in the player I'm using. About halfway through, the lead's volume goes way down; something tells me the author forgot to reset their @v envelope...
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This sounds very accurate to the original!
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []


『Millencolin - No Cigar』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Needs more detune and 3rds no? :D
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6ならではの特殊duty比を使ったメロディとバックで鳴っているベース・ギターが引っ張る展開が良いです…が、ドラムが弱いのが非常に惜しいです。 DPCMの音量を上げてもっと激しくしたほうが良かった気がします。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Very interesting choice of song to cover. I wouldn't have expected something like this. Cool stuff.

『Proof Of The Man(japan mix)1Chorus』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Takes its time... hm...
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
ノイズの響きが凄く良いと思います。 心地良いベストな部分に調整してあると感じました。 ただ、それ以外がひたすら地味ですね…敢えて淡々とした表現にしているのかもしれませんが、少し物足りなさを感じました。

『Never Never Gonna Give You Up』へのコメント

2012/2/5 06:16:46 fsvgm777 [fsvgm777@gmail.com] []
Uhh... what?
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
I gotta have that original module. Sounds great!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Hahaha I thought that was going to be Rick. :D
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
Dammit, if only I had realized I had left mistakes in this one.

Oh well. Better luck next time?
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
i am not sure what this is but i enjoy it.
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/17 02:16:20 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
RICK RO... wait a second
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
I love this song, I love original and I truly loved this cover!
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6の鋸波ベース・矩形波duty比の細かい変化などが効果的に使われていると感じました。 スネアドラムの気持ち良さも相まって、なかなか良いと思います。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one was cool.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I was expecting a Rick Astley internet-famous classic here; I'm sorely disappointed. Still, the cover is really groovy and evidently produced by someone who knows his or her stuff.

『Yes - Heart of the Sunrise 』へのコメント

2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Don't really like the instrumentation (it's very noisy), but I gotta respect the magnitude of this cover.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Takes balls to cover something like that. :D
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
i think you bit off more than you could chew.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
it's so long when will it end
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/17 02:46:32 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Could be better. The arps that come in after the intro don't sound well :( Good effort though
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
11分超えの大作! よくここまで打ち込みましたね… 個人的には、ショートノイズや高速アルペジオを使った音色表現が面白いと感じました。 メロディの表現方法は更に研究の余地があるとは思いますが、音長調整などの基本はしっかり押さえていると感じました。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Wow man. A truly impressive amount of work went into this, well done.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I commend you for putting your blood, sweat and tears into this song. All this work and no expansion chips. Impressive.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Sounds so much like a TG16 game. :D
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
無難に再現できていると思いますが、若干物足りなさも感じてしまいました。 例えば、メロディのディレイタイミングをもう少し遅らせるだけでも、音の広がりが変わって更に良くなると思います。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I like how you utilized every single channel.
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Gran Vals, The Little Ships, MM10 Wily 2』へのコメント

2012/2/5 07:10:32 FrenzyFire [pikachu@gmx.net] []
Pretty nice, not much to say about it really.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
No one shows any love to Gran Vals...
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Little Ships!

Little Ships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi danooct1
2012/2/17 02:46:32 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Very nice set of covers :) I particularily enjoyed the one of Grand Vals
2012/2/24 00:51:51 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
jean jacques perrey <3
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目は、細かいテンポの揺らぎが非常に心地良く、調整が巧いと感じました。 ただ、せっかく2曲目以降でVRC6を使っているのですから、マルチトラック化するのであれば1曲目でもVRC6を積極的に使うともっと良くなる気がして惜しいです。 2,3曲目はVRC6らしい厚みのある音が印象的でした。 特に、3曲目のギター表現が良いと思います。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Another set of unrelated NSFs... Interesting choice of tunes, to say the least. The first one is very well made and faithful to the original down to the ritardandos. Also Nokia phone ringtone! The second one shares its source with Cover #34 - I think I prefer the other one to be honest, even though it's 2A03 only and a lot shorter. The last tune is pretty groovy. Overall it's a more than decent NSF!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Great Job! You covered an arranged version of a Mega Man 10 song!
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Pokemon Johto remix』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
Kind of on the simple side, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Good job!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
My pokemon brings all the boys to the yard and they're like
"Do you you wanna trade cards?"
Damn right I wanna trade cards!
I'm onna trade you my Charizard!

2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
dusthillguy detected
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
悪くは無いんですが、ノイズが強すぎてその他のパートが埋もれ気味なのが惜しいです。 ノイズの音量をあと少しだけ下げたほうが良かったかも。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
You could make it better. First, you could have an expansion chip; for example, the VRC6 chip. Second, you could better utilize the channels. Third, you could have better instrumentation.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Hopper Dopper Popper』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Even though I haven't heard the original song, I can tell you put alot of attention into detail.
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
I'm hoping this at least places in the top 3. It really deserves it!
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Yes! I think this is my favourite of the covers.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
This sound design has major balls :D

2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
-------- drink
--- dance
-------------- kick
--- screw
---------- kill
- die

2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
強烈なイントロで猛烈に惹きつけられました。 全体的にVRC6の特殊duty比と内蔵音源のSE的な表現が圧巻でした。 様々な表現の可能性を垣間見た気がします。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
The first few seconds reminded me of dubstep... The next 20 seconds or so sound like Swedish techno. Not sure about this one..! It's definitely not bad though. Some parts of it remind me of Strobe originals.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
yes!!demoscene music!!! 原曲もそもそも.xmということもあり聴きかえしまくりましたが、カバーとしてのアレンジも絶妙でカッコイイと思います。

『Propellerheads / History Repeating』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
There's not just history that's repeating :D
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []

This was an awesome cover and I love you for making it, whoever you are.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
this is a well-done classical cover. don't know the original but I like this rendition of it for some reason.
2012/2/17 02:46:32 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Excellent cover. Remarkably accurate
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
全体的に表現方法が非常に面白いです。 イントロの高音三角波を使ったドラムや、メロディラインやベースのキメ細やかなピッチ変化、発音タイミングを微妙にずらすことによる生っぽい表現などが非常に素晴らしいです。 楽曲自体は地味なんですけど、キラリと光るものがある玄人好みの曲だと感じました。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm really surprised that someone would make a NES/Famicom cover of this song. Anyway, it sounds good and accurate. This song was used as the theme of the Graham Norton show back in the late 90s. All these years alter, I still can't help but think of Graham Norton when I hear it.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Interesting tune. It makes brilliant use of the 2A03 channels, that much is certain. The follintriangle is great, but the tune lacks a little something in my opinion - can't put my finger on what though!

『Tesla Boy - Fire』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Sparse no?
2012/2/17 02:46:32 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Not bad; it's good when the chords come in. However, it feels a bit empty and the extra channels that come with the VRC6 could've been exploited a lot better.

Quite good overall, but there's room for improvement

2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6を使ってはいるものの、和音以外であまり効果的に使えていない気がして勿体無いです。 この使い方であればMMC5で足りそうな気がします…VRC6を使うのであれば、鋸波の音色やVRC6の特殊duty比音色をもっと活かした曲作りをしたほうが良かったかもしれません。

『Various Covers』へのコメント

2012/2/5 07:10:32 FrenzyFire [pikachu@gmx.net] []
I would've given this 5 out of 5, but on the 5th song, the notes should've been more accurate. I know its hard to hear them out but ... well anyway, he / she did it nicely though.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
this is either rush or phazon

anyway, hi
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Whoever you are, you are so awesome. I know you are out there on the YouTubes, I just know it, but I can't guess who. Unreal Superhero, Mega Man, Avast yer Ass, and omg Touhou song even though I'm pretty sure you know it cuz of DIC SOUPCAN. Haha great job dude!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
So Eurooooooo!!1111111111

2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
全体的に、メロディの残響音の響きが結構好きです。 ただ、2曲目などはVRC6を使った割には音が薄く感じられる気もしました。 ここはパート割りや調整次第で化けると思いますので、効果的なパート割りを研究してみると良いかもしれません。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I really like the source of the second tune; too bad this cover doesn't fully do it justice... The inaccuracies are slight but numerous, sadly. It is nicely done though! I'm not familiar with the rest of the sources, but the same lack of polishing afflicts all five of the sub-tracks, I'm afraid. The third one is the superior one in my opinion (with #5 close behind), and I'd give this entry a better grade if only that track had been submitted. It's too bad, because there really is a lot of potential here, but I feel it isn't being exploited to its fullest.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
unrealsuperhero3!!!! I really like that song (and I want to know other songs name)


2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Boo yeah! Makes me wanna punch someone :D
2012/2/24 00:51:51 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
fuck yes
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲はなんといってもFDSのディストーションギターの重さが強烈でした。 ディストーションギターが曲全体を引っ張っていく感じ。 矩形波の冒頭のキラキラした音の表現は面白いと思いましたが、曲本編のメロディがユニゾン一辺倒なのが惜しいです。 あと、スネアドラムはもっと重い音が良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love the FDS riffs!
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 7人目のスタンド使い 「競い合え!」』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Cute or something :D
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
鋸波で動くアルペジオがなんか癖になる曲です。 ただ、これは環境のせいもあるのだと思いますが、VRC6パート以外が引っ込みすぎな気がします。 VRC6側をもうちょい抑え目に、2A03側の音量をもっと上げるとバランスが良くなる気がしました。

『Knight's Errand』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Straightforwards... real straightforwards!
2012/2/17 02:53:21 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Pretty nice :)
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
これも環境依存かもしれませんが、メロディを前面に出しすぎて、他のパートが若干埋もれ気味に聴こえるのが惜しいです。 あと、メロディは要所要所でピッチベンドなどをもっと効かせるとメリハリが出て良かったかもしれません。

『kokiriko bushi』へのコメント

2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
Very catchy, though the voice synthesis sounds gets a bit annoying.
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
The FDS voice bugs me, but I can forgive it for the strength of that jam.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
So tight! Like this <3
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
A mover ese esqueleto.
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
fantastic cover. FDS suits it so well.
2012/2/11 12:50:05 xcalber [xcalber@inbox.com] [Website]
2012/2/11 21:07:46 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
I LOVE THIS!!!!! Perfect work! ...and Terada-san is GOD.
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/19 01:07:45 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
FDS Vocals <3
So much fun to listen to
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/21 23:10:42 eee [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
コレ、原曲(アレンジ版)も聴きましたが、恐らくご本人の移植ですよね…? 矩形波パートの鳴らし方が原曲と比べても完璧過ぎます。 もし、他の方のコピーであれば物凄いコピー能力ですし、ご本人による移植だとすれば、そもそも原曲となるカヴァーバージョンのセンスからして素晴らしいです。 2A03+FDSでは原曲より制限も多いはずですが、ほぼ完璧に落とし込んでいると思います。 ヴォーカルパートはFaMiCでしょうか…お使いくださってありがとうございます。m(_ _)m
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one is impressive. It sounds really cool indeed. Fantastic work.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []

In all seriousness, this is a great cover. Props for being so faithful to the original! The voice synthesis is pretty good. I liked this NSF very much!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Impressive! You can make your NES talk!
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Super Donkey Kong 2 TV Animation』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Donkey Kong, huh?

Wouldn't have thunk it.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
What are these songs? :o
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲は存じ上げませんが、昔のファミコンゲーム風に綺麗に落としこめていると思います。 欲をいえば、もう少し凝ったアレンジも聴いてみたいところですが、基本はしっかり押さえていると思います。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This is a personal favorite of mine. Something about it really stands out to me. Interesting ideas and choice of stuff to cover.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This is interesting. You can make an anime based on Donkey Kong Country II: Diddy's Kong Quest.
2012/2/24 23:04:13 Pogona [] []
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Love that harp!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Pianoooo! So smooth :D
2012/2/19 01:07:45 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
I hope this one places really high. Sure, it uses two expansions, but nevertheless this cover sounds remarkably accurate, and is very well mixed. Plus, the dynamics are a great touch. The only real problem with it is that "saxophone lead," which could've done with a quieter echo.

All in all, this is a fantastic cover :)
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7のエレピにN106のEWI…どちらも音源の特色を活かしてバッチリはまっているのが好印象です。 全体的によく出来ているとは思うんですが、欲を言えば、特にEWI(メロ)の強弱をつけるともっと生っぽい感じが出て良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one was very cool.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
The piano at the beginning needs more sustain, and the N163 lead needs more echo (the one halfway through, not the one at the beginning)... Otherwise, great work! Sounds amazing. It's obvious a lot of effort went into this. The keyboard solo reminds me of Anomaria's early-1990's MIDIs!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
It's so beautiful. That song always gets me right here.
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []



『going to the store』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
LMAO...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are too awesome xD
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Ha ha, this was a fantastic video too.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Little Ships!

Little Ships!!!!!

LITTLE SHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
YES. I like that this song appears twice.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
didn't think i'd hear this song twice in this compo. this one is 2a03 only, but only covers the viral video portion of the song. still nicely done, nice lead around 20 seconds.
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/24 00:51:51 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
ok nice try but that's not the full song nor what it's called
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
可愛い感じで好印象です。 特に、跳ねるようなメロディのニュアンスが良いです。 一見シンプルですが、音の鳴らし方もかなり凝ってます。 目立たないけど、地味にメロの裏で鳴ってる音も頑張ってます。 結構好きかも。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Heh heh heh. Great choice of song to cover, and it is indeed a good cover.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Jean-Jacques Perrey! Interesting tune, but I wish it had been based on the full tune, as opposed to that viral video's shortened version. I can't help but smile when I listen to this. :)


2012/2/5 10:26:47 Master E [thincrdblmstre@aol.com] []
Does it justice.
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Cave Story~ 8D
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Really faithful! Too bad I don't like the original :D
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
hi psn. trianglvolum!!1
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6らしい音使いが印象的ですが、三角波のアルペジオ表現が絶妙です。 本来音量変化できないはずの三角波でディレイっぽい表現をやってるのに驚いてしまいました。 DPCMドラムはもっと重めの音のほうが良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Catchy. I can't think of much to say here, except good job! I wonder what the source material is. Clever use of DPCM for triangle volume attenuation!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
It's really faithful to the original.

『The Most Underrated SM64 Track』へのコメント

2012/2/5 06:16:46 fsvgm777 [fsvgm777@gmail.com] []
What's with the strange chirping? Otherwise, sounds fairly faithful to the original.
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
omg so true, dem piranha's are sleepin :3
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Hahaha the fake intro... so good :D~~~~~~~~~
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
hahaha clever :D must be Kulor's work. delicious reharmonisations ;_;
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
KULOR way to win famicompo. other than doggtales that is
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/19 01:07:45 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
This IS the most underrated SM64 track...

I love the transition from the main level music to the sleeping theme. The only thing missing is some mario jump effects, heheh.
Seriously, nice cover :)
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
Maybe Underrated but faithfully covered :>
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
冒頭の矩形波→VRC7にクロスフェードするのにはちょっと驚きました。 この構成は思いつかなかった…アイデア賞ですね。 普通に聴いてて心地よい曲なんですが、ノイズとDPCMが若干耳障りに感じたのが惜しいです。 ここは改良の余地がありそうです。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Hahaha this. I'm pretty sure I've hears this before and I know who did it so I'll just say I think this is brilliantly done. :)
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love the fake intro and the cross-fade. I also like the sound effect of the Pirahna Plant sleeping.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []

『Fight Against Kajidoh, Who Likes Transforming』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
dat dpcm
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
I keep coming back to listen to this one. Good job!
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I also like transforming.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Yeaaahhh rocks hard!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
great cover. lots of detail.
2012/2/9 02:24:13 AnS [ansstuff@yandex.ru] [Website]
Awesome, this cover really keeps the atmosphere of original battle with Smithy.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
great tastes in rhythm like breakbeats.
2012/2/21 06:46:27 Unnamed man [] []
by ironclad
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6音色の攻撃的な側面がよく出ていると思います。 後半のduty比変化を使ったうねりもインパクトがありました。 熱いです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Well done, it sounded great.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Interesting title! Groovy tune as well. I like this very much!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
What a rockin' song!

『Row, Row, Row Your Boat』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
I laughed, I cried, I loved it.
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
You are very dedicated. Nice stuff haha
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Row Down Row The Row Str Your eam Boat Gently Merrily Row Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Row Down Row The Row Str Your eam Boat Gently Merrily Row Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Row Down Row The Row Str Your eam Boat Gently Merrily Row Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Row Down Row The Row Str Your eam Boat Gently Merrily Row Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Row Down Row The Row Str Your eam Boat Gently Merrily Row Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream Merrily Down Merrily Row Merrily The Life Row Is Stream But Your a Boat Dream
2012/2/19 01:07:45 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Congratulations, you win
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Heh heh. This one made me chuckle.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Skulls & Crossbones: One-Eye's Ship』へのコメント

2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Ooh! Majestic.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
So EPIC! :D~~~~
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
Dramatic orchestral sound edited carefully. Very nice.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7らしい音…というよりもどちらかというとスーパーファミコンみたいな雰囲気の音が出てますね。 特に、フルートの表現が好きです。 音の強弱やメリハリもついていて、なかなか良く出来ていると思います。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
worst entry ever made my ears bleed -1/10.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Battle on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []

I've heard this song too many times...
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
So classic! A nice rendition, too
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
obligatory famicompo music
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC7ではなくVRC6を使ってギラギラした音に仕上げているのは好印象ですが、鋸波を余らせているのが非常に惜しいです。 鋸波をうまく使えば、更に厚みのある音にできたと思います。 ぜひ鋸波を追加した状態でもう一度聴きたいです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Great choice of song to cover. Good cover too, though maybe the sounds could have been a bit better.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []

『Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion OP)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Naaah, needs more harmony and tightness.

2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲はほぼN106が主体ですが、細かいduty比変化でVRC6っぽい効果を出しているのが面白いです。 ただ、N106のローファイ感が悪い意味で出すぎている気もしました。 余らせている2A03の矩形波2音を重ねるなどして、うまくローファイ感を削るとより聴きやすくなると思います。 あと、最後のブツ切り感が少し惜しいです。 最後の1音、ベースラインは動かさずに終わったほうが締まりが良く思えます。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Heh heh. Cool choice of song to cover, but it's a bit inaccurate here and there.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
You could make it not so overpowering. You could also add another expansion chip.

『Ironclad - FCM8 Cover Entries (Fillmore, Stay Fly, Point of No Return, Tenpenny Tower, Sanzen In)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []




hi phazod
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Hi Phazon! :3
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Yes... no... yes... no... some awesome, some less awesome? :o
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
fillmore 5/5
stay fly 8/5
point of no return 0/1
tenpenny tower 3/5
sanzen in 62/7
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目はちょうどプロトタイプ(SB2)版とSFC版の中間といった趣で面白いです。 2曲目は不思議な曲…意図して入れてるんでしょうが、ちょいと聴くのが辛かったです。 3曲目はアツいですねぇ。 和音を鳴らしてる高速アルペジオは好みが分かれそう…表現を研究するともっと綺麗に聴かせられると思います。 4,5曲目は聴くとほっとします。 特に、5曲目の雰囲気は好きだなぁ。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
I love the fillmore cover.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Haha I love how the entry title gives you away. Still, this is pretty well made, bar the joke entry (which in my opinion should have been submitted separately under a different moniker). Fillmore is pretty well made, second only to the classic 1-18 version in my opinion. The rest I'm unfamiliar with, but it's all good. :)
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『MIghty Switch Force! - Yummy [VRC6]』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Gnarly sweeps, mang!

I found chorus 2 a bit lacking, but you were already out of instruments. So, oh well.
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
wow, that was quick! Mighty Switch Force already?!?! AWESOME~ Now for someone to do love you love you love...that'd be amazing @_@
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Tight! Maybe a bit too tight? :D

2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
this had to happen, really. good work.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
excellent cover!
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRCの利点である音の厚みをイイ感じで出せていると思います。 インパクトがあってなかなか良いのですが、個人的には、もうちょい音色変化と残響音が欲しい気もしました。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Stora kukar
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I was the one to suggest the entrant to submit this cover, so it goes without saying that I like it very much! I've listenined to this (along with the original) for several straight hours, and I still love it.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love the echo effects in this song.

『Calcutta (Taxi, Taxi, Taxi)』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Cute :3
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
メロディの流れるようなニュアンスがよく表現できていて心地よい仕上がりです。 微妙に音色を変えて、唄ってる感じを出しているのも高ポイントです。 よく出来ていると思います。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Catchy! It's clear that a lot of effort went into this. Neatly done!
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Pinkie's Homebrew』へのコメント

2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Hi InterrobangPie. Nice work on this :B
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Oh no you didn't!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
fucking ponyfags
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
this was fairly good despite the fact that i didn't know the original
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
Awesome usage of FDS channel.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
FDSのベースが強烈な個性を放っていますね…インパクトあります。 メロディの唄ってる感も高ポイントです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Great choice of song to cover.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
I stumbled across the FTM by accident, so I know who did it. It doesn't subtract anything from the cover awesomeness though. 8)
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love this jazzy style.
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []

2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Chiyo-chan's Cooking Song』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Now it just bears the question if you were trying to troll the Japanese...
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
OMG HOW?!?! That was so cool. I love you whoever made this. If this is you, Levi, you are the best evar. If not, well, you still are the best @_@ <33333
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
=^_^= <3
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []

2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
こういう一発ネタ大好きw これはこのネタ持ってきた時点で勝ちでしょう。 声ネタ前のモジュレーションのかけ方もイイ味出してます。 原曲も聴きましたが、個人的にはこっちのほうが味があって好きです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one is very cute. Cool and interesting choice of song to cover. Ahhh yeah man. Heh heh.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
More harmony plz!
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
コレ、なにげに凄いですね…Classicalな使い方でこんな厚い音が出るとは。 普通は三角波をベースに持ってくることが多いですが、敢えて矩形波をベースラインに、三角波をドラムに持ってきたのは大正解だと思います。 そうなると、メロディが実質矩形波1音になるはずなのに、高速アルペジオを使ったユニゾンで存在感のある音になっています。

『COMPILE STGs』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
If I didn't know better, I would have thought you ripped something!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Doom's first level? Nops! Hmm..
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
track 3 is from one of the Aleste games is it not? love it.
2012/2/9 02:24:13 AnS [ansstuff@yandex.ru] [Website]
Not much of a cover, but hey, good old Compile tunes, woo!

2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目はお約束ですねw 2曲目は音の濁りがちょっと惜しいです。 高速アルペジオ(もしくは音色変化?)はもうちょい緩くしたほうが良かったかも。 3曲目は原曲の構成からして元々3音+1ノイズで綺麗に聴こえる調整がされているので、流石に綺麗に仕上がっていると思います。 4曲目は、原曲準拠なのかもしれませんが、矩形波がベタで鳴ってるのがちょいと惜しいです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Cool stuff
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This makes you feel like you're playing an NES game made by Compile.

『Underwater Lab Tune』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []

The song
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Haha the held bass in the intro. You have some large balls!
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
A Nifflas cover? In MY Famicompo? It's more likely than I think.

More volume control next time would be good, though.
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
i like it. where is this from?
2012/2/21 07:02:37 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Some nice sounds here. Seems a little empty, and some parts are too loud, but what's there seems good

The beginning reminds me of "Ridin' Dirty" by Chamillionaire...
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
独特の雰囲気を持つ曲だと思います。 メロディを敢えて50%矩形波にしたのは正解だと思います…が、VRC6の独自性を活用しているかと言われると、若干微妙ではあります。 たまに入る鋸波が唯一の使いどころだと思いますが、正直この構成であれば無理にVRC6を使わなくてもMMC5で足りそうだなぁ…というのが惜しいです。


2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Beats a long, immersive song!

Dose chromatic sweeps.
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Love this.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Haha wish this was longer :3
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
5/5 you win.
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
Good cartoon sound by taito.
2012/2/21 07:02:37 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
This is pretty crazy.. whatever it is, I like it in a wierd way
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
ひたすら50%矩形波なんですね…これも「せっかくVRC6使ってるのに勿体無いなぁ…」と思ってしまいました。 50%矩形波のみであれば、Sunsoft5Bのほうが良いかなぁ…と。 VRC6を使うのであれば、50%矩形波以外の音で聴いてみたかったです。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This is what happens when a bumblebee snorts coke. Awesome.
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []

2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『MvC: Theme of Captain America』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
That arp in the back is some fast stuff, man!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Plays at half speed in notsofatso? :o wtff
2012/2/9 11:56:19 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
whoops, almost forgot about this one
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
Is this NTSC clock tweaking? My virtuansf sounds so slow.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
コレはアツい! VRC6音色の攻撃性を前面に押し出していて非常に良いと思います。 メロディもメリハリが効いていて良いと思います。 惜しむらくは、DPCMドラムをもっと派手にしたほうが良かったかなぁ…と。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Great, absolutely fantastic sounds. It reminds me of Megaman X somehow.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Oh wow. Amazing cover! The noise crash sounds a little bit odd, but the rest fits together very nicely and the tune is really fun to listen to! Overclocking an NSF meant for submission in a contest like this where no standard player is defined is risky business, though.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This gets you pumped and also makes you want to kick some ass.

『Final Fantasy X - Normal Battle』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Hahaha this is really nice to listen to
2012/2/21 07:02:37 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Very well designed cover (there sure are a lot of Final Fantasy entries??) Some of the fast arps were a little overpowering. I like this one a lot though
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6だけで結構がんばってますねぇ…敢えてアレンジしているのかもしれませんが、個人的にはストリングスの高音要素的な音がもう少し欲しいなぁ…と思いました。 あと、後半の高速アルペジオが若干キツ目かもしれません…ここは鳴らし方次第で化けると思うので、色々と研究してみると良いと思います。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Ah, a classic song.

『SMW2 - Big Bad Baby Bowser』へのコメント

2012/2/5 06:16:46 fsvgm777 [fsvgm777@gmail.com] []
Very faithful to the original, and it sounds really nice.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
hi mex

good song 5/5 would listen to again
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Woah. Cool!!! :D
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Fantastic intro.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
I've been told this was a conversion... for your sake I HOPE that isn't true!
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []

2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
great cover. has the right amount of effects and gusto necessary for the song!
2012/2/9 10:49:24 tripflag [tripflag@gmail.com] [Website]
amazing track, too bad about the cheating
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/21 16:32:19 Unnamed man [] []
openspc conversion >:(
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
アツいですねぇ…聴かせたいポイントが明確で好感が持てます。 個人的には、ドラムはもっと派手な方が良かったですかね…あと、(恐らく意図的なんでしょうが)ちょっとデチューンがかかり過ぎな気もしました。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This song is as close to the original as you can get! It makes you feel like you're fighting a giant monster!
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
VRC6を上手く利用して、元曲に負けない出来になってると思う GJ!

『Ripple Field 1 Cover (Kirby's Dream Land 3)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Sounds like something blitz would pull.

Unless you are blitz.

In which, hi blitz.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Kirby style forevar!!!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
ahh fantastic job, really love the way you arranged this, really clean and detailed.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
this is very well-done, love this one
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []

2012/2/21 07:02:37 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
This sounds very solid. Not much to criticise really.. Very good :)
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
Good cover.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
音の強弱などのニュアンス表現が見事です。 原曲を存じ上げないので、完コピなのかアレンジなのかはわかりませんが、どちらにしろ素晴らしいです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
This one was very well done. It sounded fantastic.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This is great! Very fun to listen to, as most tracks from the Kirby franchise are. This cover does great justice to the original.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
It makes you feel like you're at the beach!
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []


2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
The only true winner of this competition.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
2012/2/21 07:02:37 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []

come bak wen u mmrichr k?
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Sorry, Link. I can't give credit. I can't give credit. Come back when you're a little... Mmmmmmm... Mmmmmmm... Mmmmmmm... Richer!

『Brave Man/Far Away (Truxton Stage 1)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
I like the simplicity of this arrangement.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Haha this is some nice music
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
simple but timely, TOAPLAN rules!
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
原曲を忠実にファミコン化したらこんな感じでしょうね。 個人的には、いくつかチャンネルを余らせているのが惜しいです。 ここを有効活用することで、更に表現の幅が広がると思います。

『Lagoon - Dwarf Desert』へのコメント

2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
That intro hits me like a truck. Wish there was more.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Wow some nice snazzy stuff right here :D
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]

『Kirby's Dream Land 2- Dark Castle』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
I hope your happy.

You reminded me of that stupid ability maze to get to that piece.

Ohh... My childhood...
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
FDSのベースラインがインパクトありますね。 音のニュアンスも面白いと思います…が、No.54と比べるとちょっと物足りない気もするなぁ…というのが惜しいです。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
I'm sorry to say, this one did not excite me.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
More Kirby! This is very neatly done, and I don't have any complaints. :)
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Very accurate to the original.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []

『Second Tunnel Scene Song』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Not enough love for this song, I tell ya!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Pentatonic power!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
ekkusu! not sure i get the appeal of covering gameboy covers with NES though.
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
X! Do you know that there is X RETURNS as DSiWare? Let's play it!
2012/2/21 07:31:31 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Quite good :) Not familiar with the original at all, but I could listen to the first part on loop quite happily
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
コレはゲームボーイ風味ですかね。 悪くは無いんですけど、ちょいと物足りない気が。 せっかく三角波があるので、コレを上手く使えば更に良くなる気もしました。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Pretty accurate to the original.

『Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad/ファイナルファンタジーVI - 妖星乱舞』へのコメント

2012/2/5 00:04:28 Unnamed man [] []
Dancing Mad is awesome in general. Seeing this in its full form is fantastic.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Amazing. Incredible. N106-y.

Man that organ sounds good. The male voice strikes me as too sharp, but you did what you could. And, in the end, it got the message across.
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
Freakin' entering Dancing Mad... Nice job!
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Glad someone is using multitrack for a coherent collection here.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
So much music! So much awesomeness! The ridiculous voice wave! The ridiculous electric guitar sample! :D
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
I am impressed.
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
haha the whole shebang. crazy. top job with this though.
2012/2/9 02:24:13 AnS [ansstuff@yandex.ru] [Website]
Epic. The best cover this year, hands down.
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
wow those voices .. maybe this is ionustron

all i know is that he does n106 sooooooOOOOO
2012/2/12 20:31:52 mn [] []
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
この大曲をマルチトラックで表現という着眼点と、これだけの大曲を打ち込んだというところは凄いと思います…が、好きな曲なので採点が若干辛めかも。 まず、原曲をテンポの揺らぎや細かい発音時間調整等も含めて上手くコピーできているのは凄いです。 原曲愛が伝わってきました。 ただ、SFCの特徴であるディレイがゴソっと無くなっていて音に広がりが無いのが非常に惜しいです。 コレが入るだけでもかなり違うはずです。 あとは、3トラック目の冒頭のパイプオルガンの音が薄い気がします。 ここは波形メモリでユニゾン状態の音色を作れば1チャンネルでも再現できるはずですので、元波形の波長を1/2にしたものを2個、元波形データに合成して、1オクターブ下で鳴らすと、恐らく厚みが出るのではないかと思います。(あるいは、一時的に鳴っていない音を1オクターブ下で重ねるだけでも違うはず)
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Well done, a lot of work must have gone into this.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Nice!! Brilliant use of the N163 expansion, and crisp DPCM samples. All five tunes are worthwhile very pleasant to the ear. All N163 waveforms are thoughtfully designed and none strike me as obnoxious. Props for having related covers too!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Pretty ambitious of you.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []

2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []

『Cardinal Knowledge』へのコメント

2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Really unique tone/texture. I like this a lot.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Dunno about the detunes... still nice tho
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6らしい音の厚みと、メリハリのある表現でかなり良いと思います。 1つだけ…ここは好みの問題かもしれませんが、他パートと同時演奏させた際に、鋸波ベースラインの音程の不安定さだけが若干気になりました。 少しLFOを控えめにしたほうが良かったかもしれません。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Jammin' tune!

『魔法少女十字軍 (MAXI SINGLE)』へのコメント

2012/2/5 06:16:46 fsvgm777 [fsvgm777@gmail.com] []
Sounds quite nice.
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Coulda swore you broke out the N106.

Amazing ensemble!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
2012/2/21 07:31:31 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
This is absolutely insane. Off-the-wall NSF technique being used here, and what's there sounds wonderful in my opinion (though perhaps just a tad *too* crazy).

I'm also fully aware that this is a cover, but I don't know the original at all... for all I know, it's prefectly possible that this is actually a horrible, very innaccurate cover
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []

2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
はい、作者です。 折角なので、この曲に関して戴いたいくつかの感想に対してのコメントなど。 音色(恐らくうねる感じの音)がコモドール64っぽいのは意識して作ったわけではありませんが、昔「INPUT64」というCDを聴いてその音に驚いた記憶があるので、知らぬ間にその作風を再現してたのかもしれません…よく考えたら、初めてVRC6使った迷宮組曲で既にやってますね、コレ。 桜庭統さん風味というのは全く意識してませんが、桜庭さんの曲が好きなのでいつの間にか作風が似てきた可能性はあるかも。 2曲目が原曲と離れすぎてるのは、「MAXI SINGLE」というコンセプト上、「本命曲はA面なので、B面は好き勝手にやっちゃうよ」という意味もあります。 投稿時コメントにもあるとおり、この曲は別の曲と魔法少女十字軍の2曲を足したような曲になってます。 そこに気づくか否かで印象が変わるかも。 最後に、作者モロバレという指摘について…この曲は、今までの集大成的作品であると同時に、自分の代表作にしたいなぁ…という想いで作りました。 ですので、聴いてすぐわかるということは、私の作風がモロに出てるということであれば、まさに目論見どおりでした。(もしかしたら「悪い意味で」って事かもしれませんけど…^^;)
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Impressive instrumentation on this one!
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []


『Doggtales - The Moon』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
such clear samples...

damn you ppmck for being too hard to use...

smok wod ery dey
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
oh god, who can this be? xDDD
2012/2/6 05:22:18 JS [] []
smoke weed erryday
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Haha commenting my own song would be so vain :3
2012/2/8 02:47:19 El Huesudo II [huesudo2@gmail.com] []
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
fuck fuck fuck
2012/2/9 02:24:13 AnS [ansstuff@yandex.ru] [Website]
WTF, man??? This is FamiCompo, not your Youtube Poop channel!
2012/2/9 08:42:06 RushJet1 [rushjet1@4x86.com] [Website]
best song ever
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 07:31:31 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Snoop Dogg and the Chipmunks
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/21 16:32:19 Unnamed man [] []
erry day
2012/2/22 17:27:58 xaimus [] []
i want to hug this
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
2012/2/22 22:15:06 Unnamed man [] []
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     ~~~()+、、           _'('、   'i\  ハ 、、  i イ  i|ノ/|  _i(/ _//          _;、++)i~~;:´/~ 
      '(ヘ~'''-~)+;;;-、        ``   _ゝ'、  '、| 'ヘ  ゝゝ _)´(ノ   /ノ イ|        __ノ())'~~|ノ()''~ 
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                               ~   ~~ `~ 
                         毎 日 ウ ィ ー ド を 吸 う 
2012/2/24 00:51:51 Svetlana [svetlana.cookie@gmail.com] [Website]
erry day
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
DPCMの音質には驚いたんですが、音質が良すぎるせいで、むしろ他パートの薄さが目立ってしまったのが非常に惜しいです。 三角波ベースも音程高めなせいで、音域が高音に偏っている気がします。 個人的にはもうちょい低音が欲しかったなぁ…
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Heh heh heh heh. This one got me going, alright. It was an incredible musical experience.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
best entry 10/10 would listen again

I'm disappointed the second half didn't say "snort coke every day".
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Smoke Weed Everyday!
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
super nsfの無駄遣いすぎwww


『Gods Intro』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []

The wonderful.
2012/2/6 12:05:39 bradsmith [rainwarrior@gmail.com] [Website]
Ahh, GODS.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Real close, which is impressive for a sample whoring Amiga song :D
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 07:31:31 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
"Into.... the Waterfall"
The speech samples are way, way too loud, and the melodic parts are way, way too quiet. Everything else is spot on though, including the (non-DPCM) drums :)
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
VRC6を活かした厚みのある和音がインパクト大でした。 発音時の細かいduty変化もイイ味だしてます。 残響音の入れ方も綺麗に決まっていると思います。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Into the Wonderful... There should be more Amiga covers.
2012/2/24 22:48:14 kabakism [kabakism@gmail.com] [Website]

『Strudy Wings - TRIGON』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Almost brushed over the chiors they fit so well in!

Great mix!
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Nice use of the choir sample!
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
vintage konami is best konami
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
懐かしいなぁ…コレ、昔MSXの50%矩形波3音で作りましたよ。 流石VRC6ということで色々な音が鳴ってるけど、このストリングス(コーラス?)はどうした事だ…?と思ったらDPCMでしたか。 コレが物凄くハマってます。 ただ、ストリングスの犠牲となってDPCMが使えなくなったドラムパートが惜しい。 原曲のタイトかつ軽やかな音でも、重厚な音でもなく、若干中途半端な印象があります。 恐らく、ノイズの鳴らし方等である程度調整が可能だと思いますので、そこを練りこむと更に良くなると思います。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
It's called Sturdy Wings, not Strudy Wings. Anyway, this song makes you want to go kick some alien ass.

『Lucky Monkey - 04』へのコメント

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Bit sparse no?
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
シンプルなファミコンサウンドといった趣でした。 綺麗にまとまっているとは思いますが、若干物足りない感もありました。

『gottani covers for fcm8』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Real nice yes! :D
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
enjoying these greatly, even if i'm not sure what they are!
2012/2/9 02:24:13 AnS [ansstuff@yandex.ru] [Website]
I kept changing my vote many times in a row, because the first track of this compilation was pretty cool, but other two... not so much.
Well, anyway, good job.
2012/2/21 16:32:19 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
1曲目は細かいピッチベンドのかけ方やLFO、バックのアルペジオなどの表現が秀逸で、テンションが上がります。 2曲目は落ち着いた曲ですが、個人的にはN106とVRC7という水と油のような音源をここまで綺麗に合わせてきたことに驚きました。 ディレイ表現も美しくてすばらしいです。 3曲目は不思議なテンションの曲ですね…これまた残響音の表現が面白いです。 また、最初は地味なベースラインの音色がレゾナンスがかかったように徐々に音色が変わっていくのも面白いです。 全体的に表現がハイレベルな作品だと思います。
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
These covers are cool.

『true my heart ~Lovable Mix~ / Sky Island+Super Mario Galaxy 2 Theme / Hacking to the Gate』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
Woah! Awesome!!! I love all of these songs. I love the Nursery Rhyme song and I REALLY love the Steins;Gate OP <333 Great work!! ^_^
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
DUDE the mario galaxy 2 cover! So good :D
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
nice job with SMG2
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/21 16:32:19 Unnamed man [] []
great :D
2012/2/24 00:56:18 NONAME360 [] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
特に1曲目のFDSベースラインがインパクト大でした。 全体的にもメリハリの効いた表現が素晴らしいと思います。 DPCMの音量が若干小さいかな?という気もしますが、全体的にハイレベルな表現で素晴らしいです。
2012/2/24 03:07:12 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Great set of covers. My particular favourite was the Super Mario Galaxy 2 theme by far; excellent considering it's classical. I appreciate all of the extra details, such as those trills and the high echoing parts.. very thorough cover.

I like the other two as well, though :) This isn't DJBouche is it?
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
I love the Super Mario Galaxy 2 song, especially the SCI-FI sounding instrument.
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []


『スーパーボンバーマン2 - Battel1』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
Winner of the Japanese entries right here.
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
woah bomberman!!! :D
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
My GOD what happened here?
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
well i can hear some of the original song in there somewhere. would have been one of my favourites since i love the source but this is just really hard to listen to.
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
So noisy, So nice. This is the noisiest bomberman I've ever heard.
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106の音色が凝ってるなぁ…このニュアンスはN106ならではといった感じ。 ショートノイズの使い方も面白いです。 N106音色と同化して楽器のように聴こえます。 DPCMが余っているので、ここでリズム隊を更に増強するともっとインパクト大だったかもしれませんが、全体的には「強烈」の一言です。
2012/2/24 03:07:12 Fearofdark [stephen.h.johnston@gmail.com] []
Something isn't right about this.. the N106 channels sound fine but the 2a03 squares really don't fit at all.
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Great choice of song to cover, and I can tell you worked hard on it. But for some reason, something about it doesn't sound quite right. I'm sorry to say this. Despite that, it's still pretty cool.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
This entry needs better mixing, better waveform definitions, and a lot more clarity.
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
This is so overpowered.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 23:59:22 Unnamed man [] []

『Motoaki Takenouchi, Shining Force 2, To Arms!』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
More amazing N106.
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
The original was awesome, and this is awesome too! :D Breathes so well! So deep! <3
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
mad props for covering Takenouchi!
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
N106の8音同時モードって波形メモリの制約が多いはずですが、ここまでシンフォニックなものが作れるんですね…目から鱗でした。 DPCMが1音余ってるので、ここにスネアやティンパニあたりを割り当てると更に厚みが出て良いかなぁ…とも思いますが、やはり素晴らしいです。
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Amazing! Excellent choice of source material, and an excellent rendition that uses the N163 brilliantly. Some bits I found slightly odd, but nothing that made me cringe or anything. Magnifiscent work!

『迷宮寺院ダババ DA BA BA mix』へのコメント

2012/2/5 01:46:17 Daigorou Itoya [daigorou_cz611c@za.tnc.ne.jp] []
あのダババがノリノリアレンジに! 感動!
2012/2/5 12:31:15 Cory [skateman222@hotmail.com] []
2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Yeaah some beat in da house! Love how much BALLS this mix has :D
2012/2/11 21:07:46 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/12 13:36:59 Unnamed man [] []
LOL foolest ethnic dance tune! this must be spinned on a floor.
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/22 21:27:43 MWK [studiomwkaha@poczta.fm] [Website]
One of my best game on the FDS = Outstanding cover!
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
この曲は編曲が上手いですね。 イントロの徐々に盛り上がっていく感じとヴォイスやパーカッションを駆使したダンサブルな感じが良いです。 一旦ブレイクがかかってからの中盤の展開も良いです。 少しだけ惜しいのが、終盤は大きな展開が無く原曲準拠でそのままループしてしまうところですかね…序盤〜中盤が凄かったので、もう少し新たな展開を聴いてみたかった気もします。 もしかして締め切り間際で時間切れだったのかなぁ…
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Ooh, this is interesting. I like the catchy beat, and the arabic feel to the lead instrument. It sounds out of the ordinary, and it's interesting to listen to. Nice work!
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
The DPCM voice samples are pretty high quality.
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/24 20:17:47 Robokabuto [robokabuto@gmail.com] []


『The Prelude』へのコメント

2012/2/5 10:24:25 Master E [thincrdblmstre@gmail.com] []
I would have N106'd it. But, if you don't know how to use ppmck like me, then VRC7 fits the bill.

2012/2/7 13:40:10 madbrain [hubertlamontagne@gmail.com] []
Well of course had to finish with this one :D
2012/2/9 02:13:51 blitzlunar [daveharris.lunar@gmail.com] [Website]
yeah we didn't have enough final fantasy covers already :3
2012/2/18 19:45:54 Unnamed man [] []
2012/2/21 09:39:27 ななし [unko@kue.com] []
2012/2/24 01:07:33 Wiz. [] [Website]
最後がこの曲だとほっとしますね。 綺麗にまとまっていると思いますが、少し気になったのが冒頭のアルペジオ。 音がぶつ切りに聞こえるのですが、これは恐らく音量変化が効かない三角波をアルペジオに入れてしまった為だと思います。 繊細なフレーズなので、ここはアルペジオから三角波を敢えて外したほうが良かったかなぁ、と思います。
2012/2/24 04:55:02 dusthillguy [dusthillresident@gmail.com] [Website]
Heh heh. Final fantasy. No offense, but it's a bit of an obvious choice of song to cover. The cover itself is well done.
2012/2/24 07:29:48 jrlepage [jrlepage@live.com] []
Wow, this is one well-made cover. I really like the bit when the VRC7 kicks in. So nicely arranged! The VRC7 does seem a bit loud though.

I can't help but think this should've been the first cover though, and not the last. :p
2012/2/24 10:41:57 kenshirotakahashi [ryanl8483] [Website]
Ironic that the first and last covers are both VRC7, isn't it?
2012/2/24 11:48:42 Unnamed man [] []